Sept Deer

Guest CTJohnB

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Guest CTJohnB

Hey all, this is my forst season Bow hunting and I am wondering is it worth using any types of deer attractancts before the Rut? other than your typical decent sprays and such Thanks

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Re: Sept Deer

I usally don't use any kind of attractant before the pre-rut. I use cover scents (ie. fox urine, earth scent etc..) to mask my scent, but hardly ever use any kind of attractant.

I tried last season before the pre-rut and during the seeking phases...that Moon Fire stuff. First off, let me say, it smells nothing what I thought it might. I've smelled perfume that smelled worse than this stuff. Anyway's, I used it 4 different times in 4 different areas...didn't see a deer during those times. These are areas that I seen deer before using this "attractant" scent and seen deer after using it in those areas.

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