Paper Tune

Guest cornbread

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Guest cornbread

Build a frame out of 2x4's at least 3 feet wide and how ever tall you want it to be able to shoot thru.(builders paper is three feet wide} use builders paper to shoot thru you can buy it real cheap at home depot. its about 5 bucks for 50 feet. drill holes in each side of your frame and run a piece of conduit thru the holes and into the center of the builders paper. so that you can roll it off as you need paper. use another piece of conduit at the bottom and roll it off the roll of builders paper and onto the piece of conduit at the bottom. you could build the whole thing for less than 20 bucks. i see if i can draw you up some plans and scan them tommorow after i get back from turkey hunting.

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Re: Paper Tune

I hate to disagree with ya buckee but you know me wink.gif . Not really disagreeing, just adding to it. Say you only paper tune at 3 yards and you get perfect tears. What if your arrow is indeed flying crooked but at the exact moment it goes through paper it is straight just for a milisecond when it is correcting itself. Shoot through paper at several different distances will let you know for sure. Buckee is right though, 90% of the time it is the close paper shots that are important but it don't take long to check at 10, 15 and 20 yards.

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Re: Paper Tune

Paper tuning from long distances, doesn't really accomplish much because the arrow has had a chance to stablize some after leaving the bow.

The whole idea of being up close while paper tuning, is to catch what that arrow is doing, as soon as it leaves the bow.

The straighter it is when leaving the bow, the less difficulty it has in stablizing during flight and the more accurate it will be at further distances.

I like the freezer paper roll idea YB14 ... sounds like a winner. Just have to make sure the paper is held taught while shooting through it. wink.gif

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