Extreem Shrink Fletch report


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Didn't have much time today to work on them, but I did manage to get one done. It took about 15 minutes for one arrow including stripping the chewed up fletchings off, rubbing the bolt smooth with steel wool, cleaning with alcholol and finally installing the shrink fletchings.

It was really easy, I've never done it before or done real fletchings. They went on straight, but had a little bit of rippling. After I installed them and they had a chance to cool off the rippling went away.

I took it outside and took some shots at 20 and 30 yards and they seem to shoot straighter than the factory fletchings.

For $16 you can easily get fletchings on 6 arrows. If you are big on the "real thing", then they would be great to have in a pinch.

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Re: Extreem Shrink Fletch report

I agree they are a cool idea. Did they ever come out with a model for Helical fletching? Or is it still straight fletch only?

Perhaps with expandables it won't matter but since I use fixed blade heads I need the helical.

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