Sighting In


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I did alot of shooting this afternoon to get sighted in with my new bow. After some sight adjustments, I started hitting very consistantly at 20 and then 30 yards. I moved back to 40 and kept shooting low even after moving my 40 yard pin down. I decided to just focus on 20 and 30 for now so I moved back up to 30 yards to take a few final shots. Oddly enough, I started shooting low even at 30. I've heard that new strings need time to stretch some. Is that true and could that be why I'm shooting low? Or maybe I just got fatigued after shooting some much. Thoughts?

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Re: Sighting In


I follow a rule of thumb: I never mess with my sights when I'm tired.

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Good advice right there.

I think it was just fatigue after shooting so much too. Happens to all of us.

Your first 10 shots are always the better ones, because your fresh. Once your muscles start getting tired it's downhill after that wink.gif

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Re: Sighting In


If you shot a lot Harv, you could be dropping your bow arm on the release. I tend do that after I shoot a lot. Makes me hit low, and a little left.

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That was my problem John! That was until I started going out and shooting only about 20-30 arrows. Now when I go out I keep good groups then go home!

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Re: Sighting In

Make sure your peep did not move too. That can cause minor range deviations and you dont realize it as equipment failure.

Draw with eyes closed and then open your "peep" eye. You should be able to tell if it has moved instantly.

I also agree to not shoot when tired. Just pushing it and using bad form that way.


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Re: Sighting In


Make sure your peep did not move too. That can cause minor range deviations and you dont realize it as equipment failure.

Draw with eyes closed and then open your "peep" eye. You should be able to tell if it has moved instantly.

I also agree to not shoot when tired. Just pushing it and using bad form that way.


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Good suggestion. I'll check my peep.

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