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Got a question or two for you experts. I currently have the whisker biscuit on my Hoyt, but am really considering the Ripcord. I know it isn't foolproof but I want something similar to the whisker biscuit that holds my arrow in place. The only this is, is this rest really worth $90? I shoot decent with the whisker biscuit, but I kind of feel like if I get the Ripcord my groups will tighten even more. Another question: Does anyone here have one of the Sims Stealth Cable Dampeners on their bow? I ordered one from BassPro to try out and wondered how much vibration it takes out of the bow and how much quieter it makes the bow. Also, do I need to take my bow to the bow shop to be put in a bow press to put the dampener on or can I do it myself without a bow press? Thanks.

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Re: Rest?

The only question I would have, is why don't you shoot well with the biscuit? If your groups aren't that good I would look at other possibilities. Bow tourque, different hand pressures. I went to the wisper after a mech. failure with the drop away style. I centered the rest set my nock and saw no difference in groups down range. Try taking a bare shaft and shooting it, it will tell you if the bow is set up properly. If your set on switching good luck, but if you just want to improve groups you might want to try to fine tune the set up you have now. grin.gif

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