My week so far


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Well it has been kind of busy, this first week of classes at college. Yesterday, the professor of my Kinesiology class told me she wanted to see me after class, but I wasn't in trouble grin.gif Well I had to leave early to go to another class so after class I go down to find her in the training room (she is one of the athletic trainers). I find out that the trainers want me to work in the training room again, so beginning next week I get paid to work 1 hour a day, 3 days a week in the training room cool.gif Well today I run into some girls I worked custodial with, the one girl is a freshman and she tells me she is going to check out the JV soccer practice, then says I could come try out, as they need players. I've only played intramurals but I'm like ok. Well I get home and talk to mom and them ore I think about it, I realize that if I played, I would lose not just hunting time but time for myself, and myl ife is busy enough as it is. Even if I don't fire my gun, being in the woods by myself are some the best times I have during the week. So I'm going to stick to intramurals and be able to relax a little, although I always feel dumb the first few times working with the trainers because I don't know what to do,lol! grin.gif So this is myl ittle up date to all of you and I hope everyone is well! I'll be going out in about an hour to hunt some squirrels and look for samples of plants for my class. smile.gif

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