Aid Raffle

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1216 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2005 : 16:00:48


These folks need help and now

The red cross has been the go to people for this operation and they need funds.

I wasent even going to try to donate because I dont have a great deal of money and The thought of a $10. donation seemed worthlesswhen compaired to the need.

Then I got to thinking...I bet there are alot of people like me

What if there were a pool of $10. bills rather than Aten dollar bill

So...I have a side job that has turned out to be found money and a discount to work with.

I have an idea

For anyone who sends me a reciept for $10. from the Red CrossI will put one ticket (in thier name) in the raffle.

20 gets two , 30 gets three and so on - as many as you like.

Estimates are 8 weeks so lets set this raffle for 10 weeks just to make sure

I will be paying for this bow in full so all your money is tax deductable and there is no overhead which is the best

The winner will have choice of left or right hand and weight (within offered specs.)

I am hoping that this will do more than I would otherwise be able to do by myself

forget the scratch offs for a day/week (whatever) and take a chance!

I can pretty much assure you that your chances are going to be better here and the rewards far greater!

Get those reciepts (photo copys) to : K.M.Robinson

130 vassar rd. Poughkeepsie NY 12603



You cant eat the horns

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Re: Aid Raffle

I have names in the raffle already.

I was pretty nervous , putting cash up front on a bow for this raffle.

I hope whoever wins it will remember to tell the story of how he/she came across it.

another upside is that if this turns out very well maybe bowhunters will get some good press...hey, it could happen !?! smile.gif

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Re: Aid Raffle

The Raffle has been a triple win for me already.

The red cross so far has recieved 3x what the bow is listed for and that is great!.

The odds are still super great for this bow and you have till Nov. 15th to get your numbers.

Good luck and you all are doing a great thing! smile.gif

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