Stupidity of looters....


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Re: Stupidity of looters....

I personally hate what the media does. Yesterday they were interviewing tons of African Americans talking about those people ain't trying to help us. They don't care, they left us out here to die and every cop or truck that drove by was a white guy driving.

Some of these ingrates need to realize that help is on the way they are just having trouble getting there.

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Re: Stupidity of looters....


I personally hate what the media does. Yesterday they were interviewing tons of African Americans talking about those people ain't trying to help us. They don't care, they left us out here to die and every cop or truck that drove by was a white guy driving.

Some of these ingrates need to realize that help is on the way they are just having trouble getting there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe these same folk should have left BEFORE the hurricane hit!!!!!!!! They ever think of that?

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Re: Stupidity of looters....


Maybe these same folk should have left BEFORE the hurricane hit!!!!!!!! They ever think of that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe the thugs that are the main problem right now stayed because they knew this would be an opportunity to take advantage of the situation gator.

To say the least I'm extremely upset about how the NO police initially handled the situation. By doing little or nothing, they let these thugs have the impression they could do whatever they wanted to do. I'm with the sniper opinions right now. Clean out this criminal element for good for the new New Orleans that will come in the future. If the humanitarian opinion wins out I'm for opening up the penal colony on Devil's Island for these thugs.

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Re: Stupidity of looters....

TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS! those two officers you saw in that video WILL BE PROSECUTED. It may be awhile after this whole mess clears, but believe me they will be dealt with. That makes my stomach churn to see LAW ENFORCEMENT doing such acts.

This whole ordeal has made me realize one thing about this country. It's full of lunatics. I know not all the people in New Orleans are like the majority we see on TV, but it disgusts me when I see what they show on tv

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Re: Stupidity of looters....

Yes, these officers will be prosecuted when this is said and done with. This is coming from a law enforcement stand point. Now the whole ordeal about the cops not doing anything about the looters is............what are you going to do with them? There is no jail. It's completely underwater. If it is food that they are taking then I have no problem whats so ever, now the bullcrap of taking material items is just that a bunch of BS!!!

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Re: Stupidity of looters....

That is absolutely unbelievable that the cops would be that stupid. I love the way that one started walking away when the camera showed up, she knows her employment days are over with the police department. I love it when they were going back and forth, her talking about looking for looters, she said to the guy "Well you're in the store" he replied, "Yeah but I haven't taken anything."

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Re: Stupidity of looters....

Stuff like this is exactly what our forefathers had in mind about owning a gun and protecting life and property. How many liberals have said

"this is America, there will never be chaos here, you don't need that gun"...YAH ....OK.

It can happen anywhere. Remember the riots in LA?

I have vivid memeories of the Korean store owners shooting at looters during that ugly period of American history...Thanks OJ.

Looting like that probobly would've happend in ANY major urban area(NY,Detroit,St.Louis). Most urban areas try to disarm the populus by retstricting and banning firearms.

Imagine being in that situation and not being armed?...I can't.

And as far as quotas go...

find the most qualified for the job, don't base it on color or sex. Just think if sports teams made up their roster due to the color and sex of the players, not the skills or experience. You would get underperformers like our country currently has in positions due to affirmative action.

PATOOEY! grin.gif

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Re: Stupidity of looters....

Bet most of the looters are those who are crack heads or junkies who have not gotten their fixes and are just really hating life right now. There is absolutely no sense in what is taking place.

Any sane logical person would not be toting a TV through waist deep water when they are hungry and thirsty.

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