Sad news from the Primos Camp


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From Cabin Chat, from Will, himself;


It is with mixed emotions, I’m glad for ‘em but I ain’t happy that we let you know that Dean Davis and Chris Ashley will be leaving Primos Hunting Calls as full time employees. They will remain with us throughout elk season making October 7th their last day.

With both of them adding new babies to their families this year, the desire to be at home more with their wives and kids weighed heavy on their decisions. Both Chris and Dean have taken jobs with the local Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World that will open in November 2005 in Pearl, MS. We look forward to both of them hunting with us when their schedule permits.

Dean and Chris have been great assets to the Primos Video Team and we wish both of them the best of luck. They are part of our family and team and we will miss them being around on a regular basis.

We are not going to replace Dean and Chris, as that would be impossible. We will utilize our staff here at Primos to accommodate the workload and meet the goals of the TV and Video Department.

Will Primos

As Dean put it:

“As most of you know I lost my first wife to cancer in Sept. 2002. Since that time I have had a chance to look back at the decisions I have made in my life and the amount of time I have had to spend away from my family because of those decisions. I have remarried now and added a new addition to my family a baby boy Walker Dean Davis.

You can’t put a price on what that time is worth when you are away from your loved ones, but now for me I have decided that my time is better spent closer to home.

I know, many of you will think that I am crazy for leaving a job where I can to hunt for a living, and that’s ok because I know for once in my life I have my priorities in line.

I will still be around if Primos ever needs me. The memories made as a part of the Primos Team are something I will always treasure. It is my hope to always be considered a part of this great family.”

Dean Davis

As Chris put it:

“My wife and I just had our first baby, since then the thought of leaving them has weighed heavily on my mind. I know as hard as it might be, the best thing for my family is for me to find a position where I would be closer to home.

I will never forget the many memories I have made here at Primos, and Primos will forever be a part of my life.

I will always be around if the Primos Team ever needs anything and I will be more than happy to help out in any way I can.”

Chris Ashley

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I will never forget watching Dean Davis shoot a deer and then the camer zooming into the picture of his Wife he had on his upper bow limb - man I cried my eyes out.

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Re: Sad news from the Primos Camp

Kenneth Lancaster and I keep in touch quite a bit, that's what he left for. He said you leave in september and are on the road until January. That would be OK for a while, But lets face it when hunting becomes work. It's work!!! I love to hunt, but when I come home to the wife and baby, it make me whole. If I came home week after week to my friends, I would get home sick pretty quick. I need balance.

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Re: Sad news from the Primos Camp

I agree with all of the thoughts here, I really like the Primo's videos. Dean and Chris were such huge parts of them, I too teared up a bit as Dean struggled to get the words out about his wife. But I laughed hard with them at the porch scenes. I truly admire the two of them making the decision to stay home with their families, a choice not too many would make it seems anymore. I know it would be a very tough decision for me to make, Id like to think I had it in me to make the same decision.

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