Got An Invite Tonight


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For the last couple years my uncle's buddy has let me come on his land and spring turkey hunt after he gets his(which isn't long). He already said I'm welcome to do it again this coming year, which is awesome.

Tonight I got a call from my uncle Dick. He said he was talking to his buddy and Denny(the buddy) said why don't call Bill(me grin.gif) and see if he wants to shotgun hunt with us this year. Dick said Denny turns away many, many friends and family that try to get in to hunt for deer, so for him to ask, he must of taking a real liken to me. They take some nice deer off his property, a nice 14 last year.

I bow hunt only and never went during shotgun season, to many crazy people. But he said they hunt just like bowhunting, sitting still. Everthing is planned out, treestands in the best places(the guy is always watching the deer), and most importantly they are saftey minded, all I got to do is show up. I sort of feel like a kid at christmas cause I know there are some big deer in there. I just have to figure out how to use my shotgun for slughunting or I could take my frontloader. Sorry just had to share, thought that was pretty cool.

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Re: Got An Invite Tonight

Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to offer my tag if he needs the doe pop decreased, figure it's the least I can do. Knowing him, that won't fly far. Hopefully I can cash in my ticket on a bruisher and help my team out this season grin.gif.

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