Food Plot update

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Re: Food Plot update

I had a nice fall plot last year with, wheat, oats, peas, triticale, rape, rye, and some vetch. They did not tear much of anything up there, until the summer plot this year...They love new buckwheat and sunflowers. I had alot of reseeding of rape and I should have a bunch in the wheat, and clover mix that I am going to plant when the rain looks like it is coming. There is a 40 acre field of alfalfa next door, a forest full of oaks on the other side and close to 1000 acres of beans and corn about 1/2 mile away. Trying to find the icecream plants to lure them into the plots. The does call an area close to it home, so they will draw some bucks in this fall. Hope all goes well for you sir!

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Re: Food Plot update

Thats a awesome looking plot Oneida!!!Some good eats right there.Mine is starting to come in really well now.However,the Shot Plot I planted isn't doing very well again this year.I'm just wondering if brassicas need lots of sunlight to grow well?My plot is fairly well shaded.Here is a pic on a sunny day,not alot coming through.



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