Surviving the Fury of Katrina


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I received word about some of my friends that live on the Mississippi gulf coast that survived Katrina. I wanted to share this so you would get some idea how miraculous it was for those that survive the brunt of Katrina. Many others didn’t. My friends were lucky. Both of these 2 guys have never had a problem riding out a storm before. In fact one guys house had previously survived the fury of Camille. Katrina destroyed it.

My friend Mike lives on the back bay side in Biloxi while Jim lived on the gulf side in an old antebellum home. Mike owns a deep sea fishing boat that was tied down with 18 ropes to storm pilings in the back bay behind his house. My friend Jim’s house was (it’s gone) on the gulf side so he was at Mikes’ house for a while as the storm approached. As the storm approached Jim went to a neighbor’s house to ride out the storm. When that neighbor’s house began to break up Jim and his family swam to safety. What safety you might ask? I’m not sure yet.

Mike’s house took on over 7 feet of water. Water had never gotten into it from any prior storm. Mike’s home is on a knoll about 20’ above sea level. Mike said it was brutal. He, Cindy (his wife) and Michael B. (his 18 year old son) ended up ridding it out in the truck bed of an F 250, because of fear that the house was about to collapse. He said 6 foot waves were crashing over the top of the truck while they huddled in the back. All of his vehicles were submerged and none of them are working. His boat survived and he and Cindy are living on it and have a generator that they are using only at night to conserve fuel. They sent their daughter to Chicago to live with Mike’s sister and she is enrolled in a school up there for her senior year in high school. Michael B. has now left the Biloxi area to go to college. Mike’s house will have to be stripped to the studs and rebuilt but at least it was left standing with their belongings in it. They feel blessed to have survived, but they have a long road ahead to rebuild their lives and to recover from the emotional trauma.

I found out that 2 other friends of mine and their families are also OK but I don’t know anything beyond that. I think they both left before the storm. One of them has similar damage to their house like Mike has but I don’t know about the other yet since I know he evacuated the area before the storm hit and went to Florida. They own a local business that was destroyed.

Please keep my friends, their families and all those that have suffered so greatly from this terrible disaster in your daily thoughts and prayers.

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Re: Surviving the Fury of Katrina

Thanks for sharing their story Rhino. I will pray for your friends and and the countless thousands whose lives were devastated by Katrina. It is so hard to imagine what these people are going through. We watch the images on TV, but it in no way can tell the real story and emotions of those who were in the storm..

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