New Wraps and Vanes


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Guest kyhunter1

Re: New Wraps and Vanes

Nice job Buckee, I have to say I couldn't have done it better myself. LOL

I need some more color like yours have, on my arrows. my flethings need some flor. colors instead of the lime green thats on them now.

Hope they shoot well.


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Re: New Wraps and Vanes

Life - Fletching your own is very easy, just need to get yourself a fletching jig - wraps are even simpler.

I've got a Bitzenburger fletcher but there are other ones out there that are cheaper - and of course there are several on ebay.

As for finding a place that shows you I did a few searches and didn't come up with anything, maybe I'll make a little photo tutorial next time I do mine. Look at it this way if steve and I can do it how hard can it be? grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: New Wraps and Vanes

I'll tell ya once you have fletched your own shafts you will wonder why you ever paid the price proshops charge you.....You can even play with different fletching combinations and offsets, which is fun and relaxing to do..... wink.gif

A really nice fletching Jig to start off with is the Jo-Jan Mono Fletcher and it's price fairley cheap ( around $37.00 new ) or you could pick up a used one on ebay or AT.....

Wrapping and Fletching shafts is easier than you may think.....Heres some that I have done...




Hope you all give fletching your own shafts a whirl you will find it fun and most definately cheaper.... smile.gifwink.gif

Sorry for stealing your thread Steve..... wink.gif

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