A modest proposal for OUR times....


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Re: A modest proposal for OUR times....


personaly i agree with most of what sluggunner said!!! if we just nuked em all it would be over!!!! innocent lives are taken every day for lesser things, like drugs, shoes, a ride!!!!! metallica said it best " seek and destroy" mad.gif

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What gives you the right to decide sho gets to seek and who gets to destroy This should be moved to the political forums where it can die like it should this is STUPID. I think it makes you the terrorist to wanna kill inocent ppl WE were wrong to drop the "big one" in WWII even though it got the results we wanted we are paying deerly for it today... you need to take a class in political science man.


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Re: A modest proposal for OUR times....

I think the bombs dropped in Japan, that "ended" WWII were necessary, but it taught the entire world that nuclear weapons were a last ditch effort; (a strike to end a war); and that nuclear weapons were, to put it simply, too horrendous to use as a first strike weapon.

Everyone, with any common sense in this world, would never "want to use" nuclear weapons again. We keep them as a deterrent, but we do not use them to threaten other countries into accepting our beliefs, our politics, or our economics.

"Only a complete fool would ever, and I mean ever, push that button first."

So far the world has been fortunate that no fools have been in control of those buttons.


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Re: A modest proposal for OUR times....

You might eliminate a country, but you will not eliminate their cause or ideals. Radical extremist are in masses all across this globe, and a move such as a thermo-nuclear attack would do nothing but unite them in their attacks upon not only this country but for all Americans anywhere.


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Re: A modest proposal for OUR times....

Since this has been moved, I guess I will make a comment, worth not even two cents even in this inflated economy. Politics in and of itself is a sorry and sad joke. This being said, I fully believe that any person living on this earth who can not live within the laws of common sense and humanity, who purposely harm or plan to do harm on other individuals, should be eliminated from the face of the earth. As far as religious believes, I should not even go there, but, 99% of all human caused deaths of other humans is the direct result of some perverted religious views. Granted the Bible is filled with wanton killings, rape, torture, and you name it, so it is only to be expected some idiots take literally what was probably not the true meaning. If we do not do something (?) because it is not politically correct, we often pay a greater price (in life?) in the long term than what would have occurred had we been active instead of reactive. Enough said.

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Re: A modest proposal for OUR times....

How many of those people live within 25 miles of you sluggunner. Should we nuke them too. If we nuked every city that housed terrorist who want to kill us all there would be no cities left in the world.

It's a valiant effort, but flawed in nature.

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Re: A modest proposal for OUR times....

Though I can't say I seriously think that would be the best solution, I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind. At times, I've even said (though mostly in jest) that we should just turn Iraq into a "lass parking lot."

Though I think sluggunner is throwing this out there--and not necessarily advocating this course of action-there is some level of appeal to this notion.

I believe there will always be evil people and evil governments in this world. That will not change. However, the Bush doctrine is very similar to sluggunner's proposal on a smaller scale.

Rogue nations such as Syria and North Korea should be afraid. Our policy that we will not tolerate any acts of aggression or harboring of terrorists by anybody--and will not hesitate to remove these governments in a pre-emptive strike is a great move.

No, we shouldn't just "press the button" but taking action before they strike us is necessary forr survival in a post 9-11 world.

I believe that people inherently want to be free. They want civil rights, a free-market system, and all of the benefits that come from it. People are also generally good--regardless of their faith. As we are seeing in Afghanistan and are starting to see in Iraq, the way to quash terrorists is to give these people freedom.

When a nation is free, the people take pride in their homeland and all it's given to them. They will then not tolerate hate-mongering or terrorism. The people will prosper and will fight to protect their freedoms.

That, in my opinion, is why we are the strongest nation in the history of the world. And that is why what President Bush is doing is so important. Though the media would like you to think otherwise, the thousands of brave young men and women we have lost will not have been in vain. The sacrifice our troops are making will indeed make our nation stronger and safer--even if they are fighting abroad.

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Re: A modest proposal for OUR times....

Very well said Mark. I will also admit I have contemplated the idea of blowing some of these countries that harbour terrorists completely off the map, but then you have to stop a minute and think about all the innocent children and women that are there who have nothing to do with terrorist activity, and who are just trying to live their lives. They do not want them there anymore than we want them here. Kind of like a bad neighbor who you dont want around, you know they are there, but what can you do.

I think nukes should be used as a last resort, however, I am afraid a time will come during my lifetime that a country in this world will have to be made an example of. Not sure who it will be, but really can see that it will happen. I would speculate that it will only take one country being decimated by nukes for the world to see the United States will not tolerate terrorist activity, and maybe as sad as it would be for the people of that country, it might not be such a bad thing for the world to remember and see that we are not going to be a country that will be a pushover.

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Re: A modest proposal for OUR times....

As a comment on comparing this idea to the WWII nukes:

Those were dropped as a wakeup call to the Japanese people and government. The tactics of the day (ie island hopping fights on dug in teritory and carpet bombing factories) would have caused slightly greater loss of life for the Japanese over the course of ending the war conventionaly and would have cost many hundreds of thousands more American and Allied lives.

Todays use of smart bombs and precision strikes deep in enemy teritory significantly lowers the death tolls of "innocent" civilians in areas we have to purge. Therefore the nuke idea now would kill many more people than both sides combined would lose in modern battle. Therefore nuclear strikes longer poses any advantages past saving our own soldiers lives, short term, in a ground battle. However, the muslim world even the non-extreemist firmly believes in vengence for wrongs. Those lives we thought we saved would be lost and more in the retaliation by formerly peacefull regions responding to the mass destruction of innocents that the nukes would cause.

The concept that we could wipe out 99% of the evil people in a simultaneous attack arround the globe is also flawed, terrorists are far too infiltrated into society as was demonstrated in the London subway bombings. Those that remained embeded after such an assault by America would rise up and retaliate on such a scale we would not believe it.

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