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As you can see by my last post on this subject in May, 2006, I haven't been on here to discuss ole Biggie in quite a while. I appreciate you guys "coming out of the closet" so to speak, with your stories and beliefs.

I have been a member of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy for 5 years, and most of our work is concentrated in and around Texas. Our goal is to capture ON FILM undisputed evidence of a Sasquatch.

We have countless reports and sightings that have been investigated by our field researchers. The evidence continues to mount.... some day we will achieve our goal. We know there will always be skeptics about the existence of this creature, but no one has ever proven that the creature doesn't exist!

I have been hunting(and fishing) for over 50 years, and have yet to see any animal that creates such skepticism in spite of the insurmountable evidence that the creature does indeed exist. Eyewitness sightings, footprints, trees broken, nests, vocalizations, and its horrendous stench! Something is doing it, and we will eventually find the answer!


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Guest b&c191

Count me as a non believer. I live in se okla - the suppossed hotspot for bigfoot activity for the past several years. I have probably spent more hours out at night than most and never saw or heard anything that I would classify as bigfootish. Unless you count the snoring at deer camp...

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Just for the sake of speculation, let's say these two guys do have conclusive evidence of a previously undocumented North American primate. It's almost a certainty that it will immediately go onto the Endangered Species List. But, will it's habitat only be listed as that portion of northern Georgia, or everywhere that there has been a recent claim of a sighting? And what will happen to the land use in those areas? No more logging? No oil or gas production? No development of any kind? NO HUNTING? :eek:

While a part of me would like to prove the existence of Bigfoot, another part of me says "watch out for your rights if it does prove to be true!"

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Just for the sake of speculation, let's say these two guys do have conclusive evidence of a previously undocumented North American primate. It's almost a certainty that it will immediately go onto the Endangered Species List. But, will it's habitat only be listed as that portion of northern Georgia, or everywhere that there has been a recent claim of a sighting? And what will happen to the land use in those areas? No more logging? No oil or gas production? No development of any kind? NO HUNTING? :eek:

While a part of me would like to prove the existence of Bigfoot, another part of me says "watch out for your rights if it does prove to be true!"

The issue of it being "listed" will most definitely create some major head-scratching! Certain persons within the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department have had discussions with our group (Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy) regarding the "endangered" status should it be determined conclusively that they do exist in Texas. We surmise that it will require the creation of a "special status" that would be exclusive of the current endangered list; and, it will also require extensive governmental research into its habitat and migration.

What I fear the most, is the sudden and massive onslaught of "field researchers" into the areas known to harbor a sasquatch, and then it will end up like Harry (Harry & the Hendersons)!

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Bigfoot has been found. Says so right here on fox news.

If it were anyone other than Tom Biscardi involved with this story... it might become much more credible. Mr. Biscardi has been known to ssssttttrrrreeeettttccccchhh the truth just a tad bit....more than once!

I didn't know about him, but was referring more to the fox news part of it. Sad that you got guys out there that try to get the 15 seconds of fame by making stuff up.

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There will always be and still are countless 100's of skeptics out there, but there are also many who do know that there is an undocumented primate out there in some areas of this country. Many of those who know, also have more letters after their name than anybody on this forum. One of the more noted "researchers" is Dr. Jeff Meldrum... and here's his comments regarding this latest fiasco by Biscardi....


And for you blokes DOWN UNDER... check out these folks....

Centre for Fortean Zoology Australia

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Well.... as expected ...ole Biscardi's press conference was pretty much a bust. Bunch of blog pictures... DNA samples were, possum, chicken, and human! No explanation for any of it! He's still trying to get someone to talk to him thru HIS radio show..... and won't divulge the location of the Bigfoot body! Most people feel that the "body" is actually a bigfoot costume that is made by!

Biscardi will drag this out for another two months then shut up!

"Bigfoot Hunters Press Conference Reveals... Little

FOX NEWS Friday, August 15, 2008

The much-anticipated Bigfoot press conference Friday afternoon in

Palo Alto, Calif., revealed little more than two men — introduced by

a self-styled Sasquatch seeker — claiming to possess the 7-

foot "body" of a "bipedal creature" on ice in a secret location,

awaiting an autopsy.

The men, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, were joined in the press

conference by Tom Biscardi, host of an Bigfoot Internet radio show,

who said the men approached him with their "find," saying, "We want

to talk to Tom Biscardi... They didn't want to meet anyone else."

Biscardi showed reporters two blurry photos, claiming one was the

mouth of the "creature" while the other was another creature running

through the Georgia woods. The men claimed they "stumbled on the

creature," but would not reveal more because they were concerned

about it being an "endangered species."

Biscardi reiterated his invitation to FOX News Channel anchor Megyn

Kelly to come to Georgia and view the body, and plugged his Internet

radio show.

He said there wouldn't be anything more revealed Friday, but promised

that he would "assemble" a group of scientists to examine the alleged


Whitton recounted how he and Dyer found the "body," and said that

more Bigfoots "paralleled" them as they were loading it onto a

flatbed truck.

Biscardi said Whitton and Dyer had gotten death threats from

Sasquatch fanatics, whom Whitton deemed "psychos."

None of this was likely to dissuade skeptics, even among Bigfoot

experts, who questioned Biscardi's past ventures and noticed that the

body in the freezer looked a lot like a Sasquatch Halloween costume

available on the Internet .

"It definitely looks like our costume," Jerry Parrino, owner of, told

"This 'body' has little to do with Bigfoot and everything to do with

a Sasquatch costume that someone developed after watching too many

gorilla movies," warned Loren Coleman , who runs the influential

Cryptomundo blog devoted to strange and unknown animals. "The teeth

that seem to have been placed in the mouth could be my late mother's

false teeth."

"I've had interactions with Tom Biscardi in the past, and based on

that history, I would say that anything he is involved in is

suspect," Idaho State anthropologist and Bigfoot investigator Jeffrey

Meldrum told Scientific American .

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Reserve spokesman Tom Mackenzie told the

Associated Press his agency isn't taking the claim seriously and

won't investigate.

"It's not on endangered species on any list that we've got," he said."

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I need to watch the news more often! when did they say they found he/she?


That sorta depends on whose story you read first. All this hit the news last week.... but ole Carmine "Tom" Biscardi has been doing this kind of stuff for several years. It looks like those good ole Georgia boys out duped the duper! Biscardi was stomping around last year in Paris, Texas trying to do the same thing!

All he had to do was fork over $500.00 and he could've beat those good ole boys to the punch.....

p><p> He should' alt='SasquatchHeightComparison.jpg'>

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