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Tonight on the Travel Channel at 9PM Central, the Travel Channel's WEIRD TRAVELS will feature our group's expedition into the Big Thicket this past Septemeber. The TC had their investigative crew with the Texas Bigfoot Research Center and have quite an eery experience. Unfortunately, they didn't stick around for the second night of some very unusual encounters! Check it out...


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I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve in Bigfoot, but I know this man John Bindernagel, who lives here in the valley. I've attended the same church as him, and he's not the kind of man to tell lies. He is a biologist, and he has found some pretty interesting things, like foot-prints, for example, up on Forbidden Plateau, where not too many folks around here even go.

My wife and I had an experience about 27 years ago out here, that we still aren't sure of. We went parking one night, out on the old logging road, that stretches between Courtenay and Campbell River. We were smooching, while parked along the side of the road, and it was a nice full moon-lit night.

All of a sudden, a creature, walked across in front of our old 67 Valiant, just in front of the bumper. I mean it was up close, not way down the road. It was hairy, walked upright, and was there one minute and gone the next. We both watched as it walked across in front of the car, which only took a few seconds.

Now, to this day, I/we have no idea what it was. I know it wasn't a bear, I know it wasn't an elk or a what was it?? confused.gif

We didn't stick around either. I started the ol' car up and was out of there.

Here's John's website

John is a pretty cool guy to talk to. He gets excited when he starts talking about these mythical creatures. laugh.gif

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jdickey, did your mother happen to smoke a lot of reefer or something similar while you were in the womb? Just curious how someone could be so "into" something so ridiculous. This has to be the funniest post I have ever read on this site.. tongue.gifgrin.gif

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Hey SPIKE... glad your getting a good laugh! You're "typical" and not alone....! You're welcome to come with us any time on one of our expeditions... just be sure you bring an extra change of underwear with you when you do.... and don't try to call your mommy either... cause your cell phone won't work where we go!

DID YOU WATCH THE SHOW? Apparently not... or you would have seen Dr. Loren Coleman and Dr. Heinner Fahrenbach as they talk about this creature, and crime scene investigator Jimmy Chilcutt and his analysis of this creature's footprints.

It's OK to be skeptical... I was that way... ONCE! But I guess all of us are nuts.... however, there is a very long list of highly distinguished doctors, professors, scientists, and other individuals who are nuts too!

And BUCKEE... I have read one of Dr. John Bindernagle's books too. He's gathered some very credible evidence in his research. Need to also check out Dr. Jeff Meldrum, professor at Idaho State.. he's also got some interesting material!

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What does my status have to do with anything? I'm simply stating that it is not the easiest to believe in something that has never been clearly seen, only really out of focus photographs, and with the technology that we have now a days it seems that it would not be a difficult task to get a clear shot if the whole thing were not a hoax. You can tell me every doctor, scientist, professors, and other individual in the world believes in it and i still will not until one is either caught, or killed. It is rather funny how soo many grown adults believe in something like this, but have only droppings, "sightings", and sounds to go on..JMO you don't have to like it, but everyone is entitled to his/her own 2 cents.

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tp793... sorry about the reference to your status on this forum, didn't intend for it to be presumptuous.

You refer to the sounds, the droppings, the broken trees, the odors, the footprints, the out-of-focus pictures, and the actual sightings that people have had and that must be crazy.... these ARE all that we have until... and unless.... someone captures or kills a specimen. The Travel Channel crew even recorded a live vocalization while filming their story, had they been there the second night, they would have really had something to talk about!

Just as you may never be convinced that these creatures exist, there are thousands of people who have had their encounters, and who are thoroughly conviced that they DO exist. So it seems that there is a paradox of ideas!

I have been a hunter and outdoorsman for over 5 decades, have seen and heard many strange occurences in the woodlands.... but I do not know of any single animal that is 7 to 8 feet tall, and that walks/runs UPRIGHT thru the woods and for any long distance or duration....! What animal will throw sticks or rocks at campers, fishermen, or hunters? What animal leaves 5 toed tracks that are 17" to 26" in length and walks with a stride of 42" to 64".... what animal will pick up a pig, slam it against a tree until it's dead, and carry it over its shoulder?

Lot's of questions?

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The evidence is overwhelming guys.

How can bigfoot not exist?

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It's like Dr. Coleman said on the show (Weird Travels)... "despite all the irrefutable evidence...until we can push somebody's nose into a carcass or specimen... people are not going to fully accept their existence".

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Just curious, What makes you so sure they exist in the absence of any bodies or clear pictures. You can't even get undressed these days without ending up on a video. I am not sure that I need to have my nose rubbed in anything. But It would be nice to have some real evidence. Here in Pennsylvania there are alot of people who claim that they have seen a couger but without a road kill or a positive proof of some kind the game commission says they don't exist. Anyway what is it that makes you so sure? Did you see one? Just curious not judging one way or the other. confused.gif

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Just curious, What makes you so sure they exist in the absence of any bodies or clear pictures. You can't even get undressed these days without ending up on a video. I am not sure that I need to have my nose rubbed in anything. But It would be nice to have some real evidence. Here in Pennsylvania there are alot of people who claim that they have seen a couger but without a road kill or a positive proof of some kind the game commission says they don't exist. Anyway what is it that makes you so sure? Did you see one? Just curious not judging one way or the other. confused.gif

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To answer your question... yes I have seen, heard, smelled, found their tracks, their nest areas. We have recordings of their sounds, pictures of their tracks, nesting areas, and tree damage. And yes, we do not have an irrefutable, clear close up photograph of a Bigfoot! Other than the Patterson-Gimlin film, and a very few others, no one has a clear close up picture of a Bigfoot, and that has released it to the public.

Most of these encounters that we experienced were on Public Lands in east Texas... to put out trail cams in a public forest .... would anybody care to donate their trail cam? Can't promise that it will still be around to give it back to you! It's not like we can predict where they are apt to appear; they are almost exclusively a nocturnal creature. Quality night-time photography equipment costs thousands of dollars, money we don't have! Even above average daylight photography equipment is very expensive. I have two $600 cameras and $400 lens; but unless you carry your camera at the ready 24/7, you most probably are not going to get a picture, much less a clear picture!

Actually we are all volunteers, and have real-life jobs, so it also becomes a matter of economics, thats because we get no funding or moneys from donations or grants. So the time we spend investigating is very, very limited. I have hunted all types of game animals and predators for over 5 decades, plus time served as a sniper, and never have I encountered any specie that has been harder to pin down than these creatures. Most other animals have predictable patterns and habits... sasquatch do not. They have no known predictable habits, their only known pattern is that they tend to follow waterways such as rivers, creeks, and lakes.

Unlike the $150 million of YOUR dollars spent by NASA for the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). For 10 years they searched the universe, spending our money.... and have absolutely nothing to show for it! At least we have some tangible evidence.

Go figure!


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Guest Huntin_Cop


I want to believe, but it's hard too. For as many hours as I have spent in the woods I've never seen one, but I have had things happen while out hunting that sent a chill up my spine. According to BIGFOOT.COM there have been two reported sightings withinn thirty miles of where I live. But, again, I've never seen one.

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Well.... as an example my last encounter.... it was 2:30AM, pitch black, woods thick as a Viet Nam jungle, and wind blowing about 15-20 mph, in a national park (no firearms allowed), other people in the forest.....

That's just one scenario! And here's what it looks like in the day time!


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Guest Phaseolus (BeanMan)



I wish RT had a elk forum so the stuff like this wouldn't be in it. Kinda degrading , ya know?

Say, have you heard of the gigantic bean that supposedly lurks in western Colorado? Many people claim to have seen it but no one has a bit of the pod or any hard core type evidence.

I believe,



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