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thatd be sweet if they see one and can prove its real... i think they should shoot it if they see it tho...

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If I ever saw one & it was within a distance close enough to run me down "50 yards or less" & it made any sort of threatening gesture, I'm shooting first & asking questions later.

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haha... ya i think id do the same thing... ask questions later lol grin.gif

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Guest Mathews4


i dont fully believe...but id like to. There hasnt been any sightings that i know of around SW West Virginia. But if i do see one while out huntin i'll aim for its foot.....if it does turn out to be a person it serves them right for making me wet

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I was just wondering if anyone knows how much trouble someone would actually get into if they shot and killed a bigfoot and turned it in? Has it ever been recorded anywhere that anyone has actually been killed and or eaten by a bigfoot? I hope ive done this post correct... I dont usually make posts but this one has been pretty interesting and amusing to say the least.

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There are many that have had "sightings" and were armed, however, could not pull the trigger after looking through their scope at a Sasquatch. "Too human-like" has been the most common reply.

As far as bodily attacks, I'm not aware of any having been reported. Most common .... rocks and branches thrown at people, along with a very ominous growl!

WEST VIRGINIA in the southwest part of the state have been reported! Try this link to the BFRO website...

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I will make this vow here and now,(and this is for all my political room friends) if there ever comes a day when there is undeniable proof of the existence of Bigfoot(meaning a body or live in a cage), I will renounce the Democratic party and change my voter registration back to Republican. Thats if I don't switch to Libertarian or Independent first, which I am leaning towards.

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I will make this vow here and now,(and this is for all my political room friends) if there ever comes a day when there is undeniable proof of the existence of Bigfoot(meaning a body or live in a cage), I will renounce the Democratic party and change my voter registration back to Republican. Thats if I don't switch to Libertarian or Independent first, which I am leaning towards.

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grin.gif OK..that's it..I'm going Sasquatch hunting grin.gif

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Guest huntinsanobsession


alll i have to say about this is if im ever out hunting with my 30-06 and i see one that will be the day we have proof of one but at 8 feet tall or what ever it's gonna way alot so ill split the reward with whoever helps me drag it out

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