Kyle Busch wins!


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Kyle Busch won last night, the youngest driver to ever win a race!

I hope hope those few spots dont hurt kenseth in the chase. But Gordon is now 12 and Newman 11th. I am actually glad junior finally got knocked out of any contention of being in the chase. Like the announcers said now nobody will bug him about it and he can just concentrate on winning races. Next year will be better. grin.gif

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Re: Kyle Busch wins!

I'm glad Kyle won. I've been pulling for him to win all year. Did anyone else notice the look on Rick Hendricks face when Kyle said they were gonna donate both of their share of the winning to the Red Cross, for Katrina victims? I'm thinking that wasn't RH didn't look real thrilled.

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Re: Kyle Busch wins!


Congrats goes to Mr. Kyle Busch on his first win in the big leagues. And also to Matt Kenseth as he broke into the top 10!!!!! HOw do you like them apples? eh? eh? GO 17!

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I read hte first part and thought somebody hacked into your username, then read the rest and said, nope it is still him. smirk.gif

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Guest bexar_county89

Re: Kyle Busch wins!



Congrats goes to Mr. Kyle Busch on his first win in the big leagues. And also to Matt Kenseth as he broke into the top 10!!!!! HOw do you like them apples? eh? eh? GO 17!

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I read hte first part and thought somebody hacked into your username, then read the rest and said, nope it is still him. smirk.gif

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Isn't that the truth, we'd be wishing for a miracle if expected him to change crazy.gif congrats to Kyle!!!

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Guest BuckMaster058

Re: Kyle Busch wins!

Go Kyle!!! Didn't see the race but I bet it was nice to see the #5 back in victory lane. And I 'm with Tedicast you countin your apples a little early still 1 more race and a lot can happen. I'm hoping Gordon and Kenseth both make it. Guess we gotta wait and see.

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Re: Kyle Busch wins!

I've held off from posting on this one due to total frustration... frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif

CONGRATS to Kyle and the #5 team they sure worked hard for that first win..... cool.gifsmile.gif

As for Gordon he should have done what Jr. did,,blow that dang thing up and called it done.... mad.gifcrazy.gif,,,,,He and his team just haven't been consistant this year at all.....I'm still hoping that Richmond gets him into the race,,,,but with the luck they been having this is going to be a very hard task.... frown.giffrown.gif

As for the 17.......see how fast he shot up the points ladder.....That's just how fast he can fall down that very same ladder in one race..... wink.gifwink.gif

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Re: Kyle Busch wins!


As for the 17.......see how fast he shot up the points ladder.....That's just how fast he can fall down that very same ladder in one race..... wink.gifwink.gif

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I know what you mean Vermont hunter. But you have to be impressed with this 17 team. Watch out tony! here come the killer bees! GO 17. Maybe next year Junior fans?!

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Re: Kyle Busch wins!



As for the 17.......see how fast he shot up the points ladder.....That's just how fast he can fall down that very same ladder in one race..... wink.gifwink.gif

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I know what you mean Vermont hunter. But you have to be impressed with this 17 team. Watch out tony! here come the killer bees! GO 17. Maybe next year Junior fans?!

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What! Is that you deerslayer? grin.gif

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