No Offense, But.................


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Can we please stop using the word "stuck" in our thread titles? We have enough pressure on us from antis as it is. If they were to log on here and see "I stuck a buck", "I stuck a doe", "Stuck one but lost it", that'd be bad news for us. Saying we "stuck" a deer makes it sound like we don't aim or worry about where we hit a deer. Might give the wrong people the wrong impression that we just let an arrow go, hit the deer wherever, then follow the blood. If we find it, cool, if not, oh well. I don't know about you guys, but that's not how I want to perceived. Can't we just say "I hit a doe", or "I arrowed a doe", something like that, stuck just sounds to brutal IMO.

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Re: No Offense, But.................


Can we please stop using the word "stuck" in our thread titles?

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OK, from now on it's poked guys...don't forget grin.gif

(just having fun...but)

There is something we all need to realize about these anti-hunting groups like PETA, ELF, etc. ...They are not just against huntingHunting is just an easy target. They in fact are against the killing of any and all animals, and against the eating of all meat and all meat bi-products.

These groups have their sights aimed low right now on purpose...(1) To win sympathetic hearts, to get recruits, (2) to win small wars first and set some precedences (3) to gain power through (1) and (2) and eventually brainwash the masses.

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Re: No Offense, But.................

I must agree with the man who posted.

Although, reguardless of how we say it, the antis' will not like it.

However, its the undecided folks we should try not to offend or deter from us. We can use ALL the help we can get.

Being less then sensitive to ALL people can only hurts us.

Now I know we are all proud and die-hard hunters, but we can be respectfull to others. If by not being as graphic, or using words like "harvest" vs. killed, stuck, wacked, etc, then so be it.

WE know what "harvests" means... LOL

Plus "harvest" says to the undecided folks that it was done in efforts to conservation, and management. Not a lust for blood and killing. Like the antis try to say we do, or are.

Anti's are a lost cause and the enemy, NEVER forget that!

But they use these type of other words, terms, or verbage to sway the undecided folks.

Its not a lot to ask to keep our image healthy and family-like, not barbaric murderers and killers...

WE are NOT killers, or murderers, we are hunters and conservationist.

JMO but I agree with him.


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Re: No Offense, But.................

I dont come here too apease the antis lol matter fact this is where I come too get away from that crap I coulda stuck a doe tonight but chose not too because of the shott location .... I didnt whack her because she was facing me and never produced a broadside shot .... I would have enjoyed killing her and then cookin her up for dinner ... hope no antis where offended but 99.9% of the REAL ppl that come too these boards like that sorta thing tongue.gif LOL ok ive had my fun with the anti's

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Re: No Offense, But.................

Thanks man. Personally, the whole reason I disagree with the word "stuck" is because that is not what I do. I have far too much RESPECT for animals than to just go out and "stick" one. I spend countless hours shooting my bow to assure I get a good hit and to assure that I don't "stick" one in the arse, or gut, etc. . For those of you who go out and "stick" deer, all the more power to ya. Me, I plan on harvesting a deer and placing an arrow in the boiler room. While everyone is going to argue that they "stick" deer in the boiler room all the time, fact of the matter is, you are "sticking" something that you are supposed to have respect for. I AM NOT TRYING TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT IN ANYWAY, & I AM NOT TRYING TO PLEASE ANY ANTI'S. I just thought that all of the bowhunters on here had a lot more respect for the animals they go after crazy.gif

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Re: No Offense, But.................

I AM NOT TRYING TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT IN ANYWAY, & I AM NOT TRYING TO PLEASE ANY ANTI'S. I just thought that all of the bowhunters on here had a lot more respect for the animals they go after

See that phrase above, that is from a previous post. Maybe I should "stick" a book in front of your face, cause apparently you can't read. As for voting for Kerry, yeah, that's what I am saying to do, you got me. I'll never post another thread again on here because I am a "boohoo cry baby".

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Re: No Offense, But.................

Ok gang here's my opinion....

I don't want to tick anybody off here....

The way I look at it this is a hunting forum. Not a forum for anti's....

I know as a hunter I practice hard on shooting and keeping my equipment at it's best so when the time come's I'm ready to go.....

It doesn't matter if you shot, harvest, hit, stick or stuck an animal.

Dead is dead. You took that animal out that you as a hunter worked your but off for so you can provide you or your family with meat. When I take a animals life I will always Thank the Lord above for what he has giving me...

So I say the heck with the anti's and for what they think.....

Those people are whacked in the head anyways.....

That's just my opinion....

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Re: No Offense, But.................

Many of you talk like there's only two kinds of people that might visit this forum.......hunters and anti-hunters. I think you are forgetting the most politically important voting segment, and that is the non-hunting people. I'm talking about the vast majority of the public who have no real hard opinions on the subject of hunting, but may visit here just to see what all the hoopla is all about. Now I really don't think they would jump right on the anti-hunting bandwagon if they saw the word "stuck" used here, but I do think it's important to remember that our posts and replies should be reasonably appropriate.

I haven't really seen anything here that would turn a non-hunter into an antihunter yet, and it would probably be a good idea to keep it that way.


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Re: No Offense, But.................


Me, I plan on harvesting a deer and placing an arrow in the boiler room.

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Do you really think "placing an arrow in the boiler room" is what the anti's want to hear? Better rephrase that sentence before one of them starts to jump all over you!!

BTW, I went out yesterday and didn't stick anything, I hope to stick one this week though!

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Guest Rhinodog

Re: No Offense, But.................


Thanks man. Personally, the whole reason I disagree with the word "stuck" is because that is not what I do. I have far too much RESPECT for animals than to just go out and "stick" one. I spend countless hours shooting my bow to assure I get a good hit and to assure that I don't "stick" one in the arse, or gut, etc. . For those of you who go out and "stick" deer, all the more power to ya. Me, I plan on harvesting a deer and placing an arrow in the boiler room. While everyone is going to argue that they "stick" deer in the boiler room all the time, fact of the matter is, you are "sticking" something that you are supposed to have respect for. I AM NOT TRYING TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT IN ANYWAY, & I AM NOT TRYING TO PLEASE ANY ANTI'S. I just thought that all of the bowhunters on here had a lot more respect for the animals they go after crazy.gif

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It sounds like you're trying to be PC to me. We KILL deer. It's not an ear of corn, it's a deer. You should hear what I tell people that ask me if I "caught" a deer. I respect mother nature for providing me with such a tasty animal.

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