Thanks ALOT Buckee


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tongue.gif I bought some QuickSpin fletchings off of Buckee a while back in the classifieds. Well Steve I finally got around to fletching up some GT shafts with them. Definitely can tell the difference between the quickspins and my regular fletched arrows. Out of the last 2 times Sue has stopped by to shoot with me I have sliced vanes off of 2 of her arrows and 3 of mine. No more trying to shoot a group for me - I thought I was shooting good before but with the QS's I've tightened up even more, definitely dead on - just the way the deer like 'em grin.gifgrin.gif
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Re: Thanks ALOT Buckee

That's with my Legacy, I decided to hold off on the SB. I put a new string and string stopper thingies grin.gif on my Legacy and will probably hunt with it for the next couple years at least... I'm happy with it and don't want to spend the extra $$ right now. As for the blazers, remember I'm just a flatlander... can't keep up with everything going on grin.gif

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