My endorsement


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Everyone here knows that I support President Bush. What I've been trying to do in the last few days is working on a way to illustrate by key issue, why I have endorsed him.

If anyone here knows a fence-sitter or Kerry voter, I ask that you have them read this.

Bush endorsement

Because of the length and formatting of the document, I cannot practically copy and paste it here. I just ask that you all take a look at it.

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Re: My endorsement

After receiving a PM from a member, I've decided to unstick this thread since it may not appear appropriate.

The only reason I decided to do so is because we're only a couple days away from the election.

If a member did the same thing for John Kerry, I would stick it for them---then we could have two stuck threads for people to see.

If anyone knows some people who are voting for John Kerry or that are undecided, I definitely encourage you to link them to what I wrote.

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Re: My endorsement

Thanks for the compliments all. Please, please, PLEASE if you know someone who is undecided or is voting for Kerry, it's NOT too late

eastennhunt, there are three reasons I didn't really delve into the topic of gay marriage.

First of all, I was trying to show people the differences between Bush and Kerry. On this issue, there really isn't a fundamental difference.

Secondly, I am personally on the fence about the topic. I don't know WHAT to think about it to be honest. Part of me hates the idea of it, part of me thinks that (from a secular view) two adults should be able to enter into that type of contract if they like, regardless of the "equioment" they have.

Finally, I wanted to keep it about facts. Gay marriage is simply and overly-charged emotional issue. I was trying to stay away from that--but give people factual information. If you'll note the abortion issue, even though that's emotionally charged as well, there are facts to back up my position--and to win others' minds as well.

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