I got some LAND!!!!!!!


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Well, it's a start!

As most of you remember me crying about the sle of my hunt9ing land last year - leaving me with about 5 acres behind my grandfather's house.

Well, the land I used to hunt, has a couple of hundred acres bordering it, that we actually usewd to hunt - (the land from the trespassing thread), which is owned by some nice rich folks who have a horse farm.

Last week, I figured I had nothing to lose, so I sent them a letter, showing my interest in getting permission to hunt there, and to please call me.

I got the call today........

Thier property is in two sections. The big peice, which is the one I wanted to get in, but unfortunalty is controlled by my old stepfather, who doesn't like me much, and a peice behind my brother's house, that actually borders the 5 acres of my Gramps'.

My old stepfather has exclusive rights to the big peice, and wouldn't let me in, but I did get permission to go onto the other part! laugh.giflaugh.gif

It is a pretty good peice!

At least it is something I can walk, and hunt, and shed hunt in the spring with my little guy, show him the woods and how nature changes!

Plus, I know Ed probably doesn't give them a gift around Xmas in thanks - So I will - and it;s gonna be a good one!!!!!

I'll get that big peice yet! grin.gif

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Re: I got some LAND!!!!!!!

Any land open to hunters is a good thing. One way to maybe gain access to the other is simply by telling the truth. Remark to the people who own the land that it's very fortunate for your ex step father to have access to the other part of the land because he's sure to get a big buck there. I wouldn't say a single negative thing about him because he evidently passed their inspection of being worthy to hunt it first and no one likes to have their judgement of character questioned. Just be the nicest guy they have ever met and sooner or later they will ask you if you would like to hunt their other property as well and you should simply reply that you would only hunt it if it's alright with your ex stepfather. Then if he says anything bad about you then it looks like he is the one questioning their judgement of character. See how it all works out? It may take a year or two, but staying friendly with these people and offering to help them with anything you can, will get you a lot further.

Man I am too good at this stuff. I think I need to change professions. ROFLMBO

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