Vanes for use in Whisker Biscuit **


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I got this from Bow-Hunting Magazine. This question seems to come up a lot in here, so I figured I'd post it for you all.

Question: Whisker Biscuit

I’m finally thinking about jumping on the bandwagon and switching to a prong rest to a Whisker Biscuit. However, depending on whom you talk to some say that the Biscuit causes a lot of fletching resistance, altering speed and possibly accuracy at long range. Some guys have told me that a Biscuit is more of treestand hunter’s rest designed for 40-yard or less shooting. What are your thoughts?

Steve Cannon via E-mail


Answer: The Whisker Biscuit is an incredible rest. It does what most rests cannot, and it does it well. Most importantly, the Biscuit is totally dummy proof—drop the arrow in (using the new QS design) and you’re ready to go, never having to worry about the arrow falling out. Also, this rest is incredibly accurate and forgiving when using the proper fletching—even at extreme shooting distances. We’ve found that a slight helical or offset vane (no more than 4 inches long) offers great performance. Heavy helical and/or long fletching is not ideal because you’ll lose 10 to 15 fps, and excess shooting noise can occur. We prefer stiffer, more durable vanes like those from Bohning, Flex-Fletch VaneTec V-max or AAE’s new SpeedFlyte vanes. Also, the new Bohning Blazer vanes work incredibly well with the Biscuit, resulting in nearly zero speed loss.

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Re: Vanes for use in Whisker Biscuit **


Haven;t tried the bohning, and probably won;t................I tried the Speedflytes and they have solved my need to try anything else!!!!!(see "B2 + Speedflyte= problem solved!")

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If it ain't broke...don't fix it eh grin.gif

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