Lost the private land that I bowhunt by home


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Well, I couldn't get in touch with the landowner for awhile. 2 weeks ago he said he had some problems with people trespassing last year, and his kids are handling it now. He said they would call me. Yesterday, I drove over to the house, and was told that I can't hunt out there anymore. Just family members. This bites! Hunted there since 1989 with no other problems.

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Re: Lost the private land that I bowhunt by home

The real thing that is eating at me now...are my stands still there? The woman said they sent some people out after stands out there...and she's not sure if mine are still there...or not!! I can't check until this weekend, and if they are gone, the crap is going to hit the fan, being as I was never notified to go retrieve them before now!! mad.gif

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Re: Lost the private land that I bowhunt by home

Sorry about loosing access to a place where you've hunted so long. It's a shame that trespassers ruied it for you.

Gotta agree with you that I'd have issues about missing stands since you weren't called about it. Hope you get them all this weekend.

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Guest bowhunterforlife

Re: Lost the private land that I bowhunt by home

yeah i had that happen too but this time was my fault i was hunting pheasants and thats the only animal i couldnt hunt and didnt know it

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