would this hurt the bow?


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i was letting my sisters boyfriends younger brother try pulling my bow back and he doesnt shot bow much so he tried pulling it back with his finger infront of the release... he got it bout 3 or 4 inches back and hit the trigger and it kinda dry fired but only a few inches... would this hurt the bow or not? or would it effect the sights at all or anything?

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Re: would this hurt the bow?

double check the axles and next time tell him to use an arrow before he draws man. i would change the axles out for sure. they can catch up to you in the end and your trying to draw and get to full draw andhave the bow come apart not cool and painful

rob k

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Re: would this hurt the bow?

Correct me if I am wrong, but the damage that is caused by a dry fire, is a result of the rotation of the cams, resulting in energy traveling through the brace/risers/ect.... If the bow wasn't drawn enough to engage the cam, there shouldn't be any damage??? should there, or am I missing something?

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Re: would this hurt the bow?

If you want to save some time and effort just draw it back (WITH AN ARROW) inside and listen for any creeks moans or groans (FROM THE BOW) and also look at your axles when you draw it to see ifanything is off kealter. These bows are tough and I know I wouldn't want something I rely on for performance to break from some kid moving it only 3-4". It'd be a piece of crap if it broke from such little stress.

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