best food plot ever?

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what would be the best food plot to start at the begining of next summer would be the best stuff you could do? like say starting in early june all the way to september 2nd? when opener is... im from north dakota if that helps and i was just wonderin cuz i wanna try n get a somewhat nice buck this year cuz we seen a 6x7 this year and if i dont get him this year i want him forsure this year...

any suggestions?

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Re: best food plot ever?


I've had good results with clover I got from our local co-op. It is drought and winter tollerant and provides a ton of protien and also will last for up to 5 years or more if taken care of. Oh and the deer love it!!!!!

As far as the best, the best is what ever works for you.

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I did the same thing! Get your seed from your local co-op or farm supply. They know your area better than the big name brands and they are always there for advise. Not to mention it will be MUCH cheaper. wink.gif


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