Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards

Guest Andrea

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards


I will get back with you later on this, right now I have a little trip I need to make to the other side of Houston.

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hey trophies, come pick me up too!

you know whats funny.. Downtown Houston has a bad homeless problem.. there is this guy that I always see at the bus stop that is holding a sign basically saying "give me money/food".. well a few days ago, I passed him, and he was holding a card board sign that said Louisiana Refugee, Please Help!

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards



I will get back with you later on this, right now I have a little trip I need to make to the other side of Houston.

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hey trophies, come pick me up too!

you know whats funny.. Downtown Houston has a bad homeless problem.. there is this guy that I always see at the bus stop that is holding a sign basically saying "give me money/food".. well a few days ago, I passed him, and he was holding a card board sign that said Louisiana Refugee, Please Help!

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That's funny. Typical...but funny. grin.gif

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards

I think this is a horrible idea. In a perfect society this might work but you have people running around with guns and knives that are just going to steal the cards from people. Plus what is the benefit of having a card when there is no store to buy anything at.

Bad, Bad, Bad idea!!!!!!

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards


I want one, I have been emotionally affected by the 24/7 news coverage of this event. I am not downplaying it by any means, but crap, if they get one, we have tornadoes and dont get them.

I sure am glad that the outdoor channel doesnt do news, I would be pi#$#ed!

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No doubt!! What about all the people affected last year in the hurricanes, or everyone affected by the tornadoes here in Oklahoma in '99 then again in '03? This is something I really don't understand the reasoning behind. Heck, from the looks of things, some of these folks didn't have $2k in stuff to be destroyed.

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards

I think the cards are to be used in the town that the REFUGEES are living in now.

And yeah....where was OUR cards last year after Hurricane Ivan??? Hurricane Andrew????? Charley? Frances? Georges?

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards

Gee, theyve lost thier homes, jobs, and in some cases family members.But we should hold a lousy 2000$ against them.A lotta these families werent even in the area when the looting took place but thier in the same boat as the looters.Sometimes I wonder why I bother opening these posts. frown.gif

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards


I think this is a horrible idea. In a perfect society this might work but you have people running around with guns and knives that are just going to steal the cards from people. Plus what is the benefit of having a card when there is no store to buy anything at.

Bad, Bad, Bad idea!!!!!!

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That's a really good point.

Horst, makes a better point, you guys are harsh. They have no where to go, no where to live, and you're letting media sway your opinion. Not everyone is running around looting down there, that's just what they chose to report. And heaven forbid your house burns down, or some other tragedy, but I don't find that equivlant to what is going on down there.

I just hope the people who are using this as an opportunity to steal and loot don't kill people over these cards. I think this is a really bad idea, seems like a temporary fix to ease all the negative media coverage of the "forgotten" people.

Doesn't seem well thought out.

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards


Gee, theyve lost thier homes, jobs, and in some cases family members.But we should hold a lousy 2000$ against them.A lotta these families werent even in the area when the looting took place but thier in the same boat as the looters.Sometimes I wonder why I bother opening these posts. frown.gif

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I agree 100% why is it our business how they apend there 2k they have NOTHING and you get to sit at home and type ona computer about how unjust it is that they are getting 2k debit cards. how many HOMES not houses can you build with 2k how many family memebers can you get back how many cars can you get .... 2k is nothing it gets them food and clothing foe about a month they way I figure it. if its not a huge family most of them ppl are wearing not much more then the clothes they had when there house was destroyed. confused.gif

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards

Your right, I am HARSH, and by god I have a right to be. here are people living off of welfare, that are on drugs, lazy, whatever, and now they have the possiblity of getting 2 grand handed to them......and guess where that 2 grand will come from, MY TAXES!!!!!!!!! I bust MY butt for MY MONEY, and I'll be damned if I want some sloth of a human being living off of it. And no, the media DOES NOT sway my opinion, the actions of these folks sway MY OPINION.

The point to my post was the fact that people hit hard by THIS hurricabe are getting $2000 debit cards. Did anyone effected by Andrew get this? What about Ivan, the tornadoes that did so much damage here in Oklahoma. People here lost everything to. Now I haven't been affected by any of these natural disasters, but by god, what makes folks in New Orleans, Mississippi, Alabama any better or worse, than folks affected elswhere in years past?

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards


Your right, I am HARSH, and by god I have a right to be. here are people living off of welfare, that are on drugs, lazy, whatever, and now they have the possiblity of getting 2 grand handed to them......and guess where that 2 grand will come from, MY TAXES!!!!!!!!! I bust MY butt for MY MONEY, and I'll be damned if I want some sloth of a human being living off of it. And no, the media DOES NOT sway my opinion, the actions of these folks sway MY OPINION.

The point to my post was the fact that people hit hard by THIS hurricabe are getting $2000 debit cards. Did anyone effected by Andrew get this? What about Ivan, the tornadoes that did so much damage here in Oklahoma. People here lost everything to. Now I haven't been affected by any of these natural disasters, but by god, what makes folks in New Orleans, Mississippi, Alabama any better or worse, than folks affected elswhere in years past?

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I am 100% with you Gator. I don't think they should do this and your right what does make them better than any other person that has been thru a natural disaster. Food and clothing are the main things they need and Red Cross and the Government are already giving them these things.

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards


I had half my house torn up by a tornado. Didn't get squat for it. But my insurance rate sure went up.

And how many of these 2K recipients are going to benefit financially through insurance from this? Can you say Insurance Fraud?

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I did read that if insurance is helping a family, chances are they won't be getting a card. I guess this is just another example of welfare at it's best. How are the folks that were "well off" supposed to feel????? That is my gripe with this. But I am just an old grouch. crazy.gif

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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards


Gee, theyve lost thier homes, jobs, and in some cases family members.But we should hold a lousy 2000$ against them.A lotta these families werent even in the area when the looting took place but thier in the same boat as the looters.Sometimes I wonder why I bother opening these posts. frown.gif

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I agree. There is no easy solution. When your house, belongings, place of employment is washed away, what are you supposed to do?

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Guest andymansavage

Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards

Good intentions, bad way to do it. We have 1000 N.O. residents living 5 miles from me here at a military base for now. I talked to a lady at the local grocery store where they were bussing them to shop and she said that alot of them were ticked off that you can't buy whiskey in a grocery store and wanted a ride to the liquor store instead. Alot of these people couldn't leave because they are poor. Why are they poor?, alot of them can't manage money. So why give them $2000 to waste like they have been doing their whole lives?? I feel that is is not fair to them or any other disaster victims. $2000 isn't much, but it could be put to better use than this.


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Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards

After reading some of the replies I figured that this thread would soon be moved to the political room.

It hasn't been moved yet although the content is starting to lean in that direction.

On January 21, 1999 a tornado, one of about thirty-eight that night, ripped through our town here and took about 1/3 of it away.

FEMA came and helped clean up, however we went to the town down the road and bought water, and food and what we needed with our own personal funds. Insurance carried by most of the residents paid off, and helped to rebuild our town.

There are still some empty lots around that FEMA cleared, but the residents did not rebuild.

There are some big differences in this example, and the victims of hurricane Katrina.

We lost 4 people, and a few dozen were injured.

The damage was in the millions.

Some of us were able and willing to drive to neighboring towns and purchase what help we needed.

Hurricane Katrina has taken thousands of lives, possibly tens of thousands by the time they are counted.

The damage is going to total in billions of dollars, much not covered by insurance and the damage to the city infrastructure is almost total.

In the case of the Katrina aftermath, no one could get out to help themselves or their neighbors.

Millions and millions and millions of dollars are being contributed by individuals and neighboring countries.

Our Government is usually more lenient when they are giving someone else's money away.

We, who were only indirectly affected by Katrina or it's aftermath, with some temporarily higher prices, are the lucky ones or blessed ones, depending on how you want to view it.

Those $2K debit cards will not raise our taxes, and we still have everything today that we had on August 29th.

If you will notice, the folks from Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola etc. are picking up, dusting themselves off and going about their lives.

The main problem in New Orleans, and the reason it is so much in the news, is because of the flood after the storm, and the total destruction involved.

(Disclaimer) These are only some of my own personal opinions and do not reflect the opinions of all realtree forum members, or even all old ***** (methane gas emissions).


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