horst Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] Your right, I am HARSH, and by god I have a right to be. here are people living off of welfare, that are on drugs, lazy, whatever, and now they have the possiblity of getting 2 grand handed to them......and guess where that 2 grand will come from, MY TAXES!!!!!!!!! I bust MY butt for MY MONEY, and I'll be damned if I want some sloth of a human being living off of it. And no, the media DOES NOT sway my opinion, the actions of these folks sway MY OPINION [/ QUOTE ] Your so far off base its not even funny gator, but your entitled to your opinion.According to you the only ones affected by this are crackheads, alchoholics and people abusing the welfare system.Federal aids given out every time theres a naturaual disaster, its nothing new.The only difference is this time some of the people are actually getting it before government officals, charities, and special interest groups get thier slice of it.Quit crying, at least you got a home, a job, and know where your kids are.Most of these people dont anymore.In the meantime you can sit there at your computer and look down on everyone else.While your doing that why not look up how much federal aid went out to other natural disasters last year, because they were all pretty tame compared to this one.Then come back and tell me how much worse the people in those other places weree treated. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest bowhunterforlife Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards That's what i've been asking for the past 4 days here at this halfway house for refugees that im at. What is enough stuff for them? I mean they came here to a military post, they're given medical attention,food,tons of clothes,phone cards,transportation, laundry services, free hair cuts and the state of Michigan is saying we need to do more! Again i ask what is enough for them? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newarcher Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards I personally am all for helping these people in any way possible but I prefer the best way possible when possible, if possible. I think it is important to distinguish between the two types of people involved: The trash that is looting for gain and shooting. IMHO they deserve a .25 bullet from a .243! The rest of the people probably aren't too different from yourself and I. I imagine they will be pretty darned happy to get the card and hopefully will use it wisely. I do feel that this is a kneejerk reaction to the media coverage that nothing was done for them. Guessing 1 million people x $2,000 = 2 billion dollars if my math is right. That is a lot of money put to good use if it is spent correctly and wasted if it isn't. I will apply the theory as this.....if I give some homeless man $5 on the street and he spends it on booze, then it is on him. My heart was in the right place. He will answer for squandering it. Worst case, if the money is wasted on booze and cigarettes and other poor uses of money....the taxes on these things are so high the government will get most of it back anyway! I say don't worry about how it will be spent by these people and perhaps generosity will help some turn their lives around. I have been stranded out of town with my clothes and my car but had a problem with my bank's teller system in the past. It was a bad feeling to be there with no way to get money to support my family....only imagine being there without the family, the car, or the clothes. My wife works at a local hospital here in Atlanta and they have had some patients come in. They were overly and completely gracious for any help received. My wife pulled a blanket from the warmer and gave it to a lady who was sitting in the hallway in a wheelchair shivering while waiting for an x-ray. She took the blanket and grabbed and kissed my wife's hand several times. Then she tried to read her fortune but nonetheless, she was grateful for a simple kindness showed to her. For some, being relocated from the squalor of New Orleans to a resource rich area such as Atlanta might be an actual Godsend. Who knows. But right now there is a lot of suffering going on. I am not going to second guess this one. I can second guess the mayor and governor of LA! New Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gator Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Your right, I am HARSH, and by god I have a right to be. here are people living off of welfare, that are on drugs, lazy, whatever, and now they have the possiblity of getting 2 grand handed to them......and guess where that 2 grand will come from, MY TAXES!!!!!!!!! I bust MY butt for MY MONEY, and I'll be damned if I want some sloth of a human being living off of it. And no, the media DOES NOT sway my opinion, the actions of these folks sway MY OPINION [/ QUOTE ] Your so far off base its not even funny gator, but your entitled to your opinion.According to you the only ones affected by this are crackheads, alchoholics and people abusing the welfare system.Federal aids given out every time theres a naturaual disaster, its nothing new.The only difference is this time some of the people are actually getting it before government officals, charities, and special interest groups get thier slice of it.Quit crying, at least you got a home, a job, and know where your kids are.Most of these people dont anymore.In the meantime you can sit there at your computer and look down on everyone else.While your doing that why not look up how much federal aid went out to other natural disasters last year, because they were all pretty tame compared to this one.Then come back and tell me how much worse the people in those other places weree treated. [/ QUOTE ] No horst, I think YOU are off base here. Why don't you READ EVERYTHING I put down, and not what you want to read, GEEZ. The federal aid I am talking about here is the debit card. And from what I read yesterday, the debit card was basically intended for people that didn't have insurance. What aboout the folks that have lost EVERYTHING in NATURAL DISASTERS in years past? Maybe ya'll ain't understanding what I am saying or just don't want to understand. I will find the article I read yesterday, then maybe YOU can give me YOUR interpretation of what it said. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZooBear Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards I do feel bad for the people who lost their jobs and homes. The problem I have with this issue is why now? How are these people more deserving than anyone else that lost their home, job, ect. in a disaster? Where is the $2000 for the people who lost everything in the 93 flood here in Iowa? Do we really want to set a precedent that everyone from this day on who suffers from a natural disaster will be given $2000? Im not saying we shouldnt help these people but I think the card idea is not the best way to do it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gator Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] I do feel bad for the people who lost their jobs and homes. The problem I have with this issue is why now? How are these people more deserving than anyone else that lost their home, job, ect. in a disaster? Where is the $2000 for the people who lost everything in the 93 flood here in Iowa? Do we really want to set a precedent that everyone from this day on who suffers from a natural disaster will be given $2000? Im not saying we shouldnt help these people but I think the card idea is not the best way to do it. [/ QUOTE ] ZooBear, THANK YOU!!!!!!! That is the WHOLE point I have bee trying so hard to get across here. Unfortunately, seems like some folks just can't comprehend what I am trying to say, but maybe I are to dum to get my point across. Again, thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
c_lou Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] I do feel bad for the people who lost their jobs and homes. The problem I have with this issue is why now? How are these people more deserving than anyone else that lost their home, job, ect. in a disaster? Where is the $2000 for the people who lost everything in the 93 flood here in Iowa? Do we really want to set a precedent that everyone from this day on who suffers from a natural disaster will be given $2000? Im not saying we shouldnt help these people but I think the card idea is not the best way to do it. [/ QUOTE ] I agree, this does set a dangerous precedent. Is the one family that loses a home in a tornado less important? What about those that lost everything a few years ago on the ND, Minnesota border when the spring thaw flooded there homes along the river? I am all for helping those that have been affected by the hurricane. I just feel that the 2k debit cards is the wrong way to go about helping out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newarcher Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards My advice: Everyone stop posting about hurricane stuff all together or risk losing some friends. I tried entering the debate on another forum and no matter what the issue, debit cards, who is responsible, looters, irresponsible people who stayed behind with kids, etc. you get labeled a racist or heartless person or not a good Christian. Not worth the fight folks. IMHO, The antichrist formerly known as Newarcher Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newarcher Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards Oh and if you think that you are aggrivated about THIS..... Along comes the NAACP who is basically demanding a payout for the victims much like the 9/11 victims had and they apparently want the amounts like the 9/11 victims received....which I believe was somewhere around a million if I remember correctly. Hmmm, 1 million victims x 1 million dollars = 1 trillion dollars. If we aren't careful here, we are going to have some serious race problems as a result of this whole mess. Things had just calmed down a little on that front for the most part but seems to be rearing its ugly head again. New Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horst Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards Gator, please find the artical, Im pretty open minded and Ive changed my mind already quite often on different things since this whole mess started.I dont think your understanding everything Im saying either.My only point is not everyone thats recieving aid right now is a drug addict or welfare case.This storm affected everyone in the region.Really, $2000 is pretty small comfort if your holed up with 10,000 other people in a building and could be there for months on end, escpecially if you have small kids. Florida recieved federal aid, everytime a small towns wiped out by a tornado it recieves federal aid.Every year this country spends billions on aid for other countries. Even farmers recieve federal aid when they lose crops.Thats all this is, another form of federal aid.The moneys been passed by congress, its going down there in one form or another anyway.If its gonna affect your taxes, its already happened. By the way, I did read everything you wrote, but it was hard to get past the first paragraph without commenting on it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gator Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards This is the last thing I have to say, and it goes with a previuos post. I am all for helping folks that were affected by this hurricane. But personally think the debit card is not the way to do it. Is there a better alternative, I don't know, but do think this is a bad, bad idea. It will be abused, you can bet on that. And yes, I am a heartless old grouch, who lives a very private life. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newarcher Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards If you want to know the truth, there are all types involved in this: Lowlife alcoholics and drug users Hopelessly poor Illiterates Working class Military folks Rich Middle of the road Uppety people we would all hate Probably the majority of the people displaced from greater New Orleans didn't own anything other than their clothes and maybe some personal effects and were probably renters. So this $2,000 may have just made them money. I dunno. I do know the average person in New Orleans was very poor. My feeling is that people who are rich or middle class shouldn't be excluded from help any more than the crack dealer should be. Help everyone equally and then let it fall on them how they use it. If they squander it, they will be right back where they were and the economy will get some action. There is a principle that if you were to take every dollar in the world or US economy and redistribute it equally to every citizen, within a certain amount of time (very small window), the money would be right back into the hands of those who had it previously and out of the hands of those who didn't. Interesting when you really stop and think about it.....consequences for bad decision making and hope for good decision making. New Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BowtechTurkeyHunter Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] I do feel bad for the people who lost their jobs and homes. The problem I have with this issue is why now? How are these people more deserving than anyone else that lost their home, job, ect. in a disaster? Where is the $2000 for the people who lost everything in the 93 flood here in Iowa? Do we really want to set a precedent that everyone from this day on who suffers from a natural disaster will be given $2000? Im not saying we shouldnt help these people but I think the card idea is not the best way to do it. [/ QUOTE ] I live in Des Moines a lot of these ppl where GIVEN brand new homes they where given shelter they where given clothes and in many cases where given money it took Des Moines about 6 or 7 years and you cant even tell we had a Flood that shut down our city for 11 days My wife that I have now lived down there and her house was one that got flooded they got help from FEMA and a couple other places and her uncle got a brand new house built for him We made it without the 2k debit cards but we sure got a ton of government help and I mean a ton. Gator the biggest problem I can see with what you are saying is that when a hurricane hits its affects a few ppl meaning maybe 10000 or so that really get the brunt of the storm this is a whole city millions of ppl are literatly homeless all at the same time I have never seen hurrican where homeless ppl are walking on the street aimlessly looking for there sons or daughters. Yeah it stinks that they lost there home in a Tornado hurricane whatever but they rebuild and move on these ppl will rebuild and move on to just how do you think they will do it with no access to there money ... most of them if they do have a bank account cant get to there money because the bank is dead from the power no access that doesnt happen ina hurricane very often. you guys are comparing apples to oranges here name a city in Florida the size of new Orleans that had to be evacuated completely and had this magnitude of damage done... you cant because its never happened .... incendentaly neither has giving out 2k debit cards befoer either... coincidence I dont think so. Welfare is a horrible thing but look at it this way if giving out the 2k gift cards helps 100 families get back on there feet and make the turn like welfare is suppose to do dont you think its worth it .... I do every little bit helps. We had a complete city and I mean a complete city get wiped out here in central Iowa bya tornado ... they are currently rebuilding that city and I think the city will be better for it Not everyone needs the governments help. You will hardly see a story about the ppl who rebuild themselves cause thats a positive thing the media focuses on the negative and only the negative which I think gives us tunnel vision There are a lot of good ppl in New Orleans but there are a lot of ppl that need the governments help too. Rant off sorry guys. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hutchies Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards These cards are going to people that don't have insurance though. These are not the only people that need help. I think the problem is that the Republican party is trying to get this money to low income welfare and poverty stricken people. Think about this. Republican party is going to have to put someone up for election in a few years. With the amount of poverty stricken people they could possibly sway a vote in LA. Plus 2K is a cheap pay off for the Bush Admin to save face on this whole deal. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gator Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards Here is the news story about the debit cards. This is where it states that people with insurance may not qualify for the card. If they lost EVERYTHING, why "ignore" them? WASHINGTON — Families displaced by Hurricane Katrina will receive debit cards good for $2,000 to spend on clothing and other immediate needs, the Bush administration said yesterday. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff held a conference call with several governors to describe the plan. While many details remained to be worked out, the plan was to quickly begin distributing the cards, starting with people in major evacuation centers such as the Houston Astrodome. Michael Brown, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is administering the program, said it is aimed at those with the most-pressing needs. "The concept is to get them some cash in hand which allows them, empowers them, to make their own decisions about what do they need to have to start rebuilding," Brown said. Republican Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who participated in the conference call, said the cards will be offered "to people in shelters as well as people who are not in shelters but who have evacuated the area and need help." He said the hope is the cards will encourage people to leave shelters voluntarily. FEMA officials said not all families that had fled their homes will be eligible. "For instance, you may have some people who have insurance and insurance is meeting their living expenses while they have been displaced," said Ed Conley, a FEMA spokesman in Houston. "It is going to vary by family." The cards are meant to help victims purchase food, transportation and other essentials but won't come with any restrictions. The administration estimated the cost of the program for 320,000 households at $640 million. Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski, a Republican, said he had concerns about the potential for abuse. "That's a lot of money. The question is how do you separate the needy from those who just want a $2,000 handout," he said. The cards will be issued on a one-per-household basis, said Natalie Rule, a FEMA spokeswoman in Washington. As a safeguard against fraud, FEMA will use aerial photographs of devastated areas to verify that the families were, indeed, forced from their homes in cases where they cannot provide documents to prove their losses or identities. Rule said the agency was setting up registration centers in shelters in Houston and Dallas where evacuees could obtain the cards. Also yesterday, President Bush sent to Congress a request for $51.8 billion in additional hurricane relief, raising Katrina's cost to the federal government to $62.3 billion so far, a record for domestic disaster relief. Congress is likely to approve the White House request today. White House budget director Joshua Bolten made it clear: "We will in fact need substantially more," estimating the current sum would cover expenses for "a few weeks." Last week, FEMA was spending about $500 million a day, an unprecedented rate, House Appropriations Committee aides said. But over the weekend, Bolten said, that "burn rate" soared to more than $2 billion a day as FEMA began signing contracts for the construction of temporary housing. Separately, Republican leaders moved to try to contain the political fallout from Katrina, forming a joint House-Senate review committee of senior lawmakers who will investigate the government's preparation and early response to the catastrophe. The joint inquiry, started by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., a day after the White House announced its investigation, will wield subpoena power and is billed as a bipartisan enterprise, although Republicans will dominate the committee. It will be the first joint investigation since the Iran-contra probe of the 1980s. With a deadline of Feb. 15, Frist and Hastert said the inquiry will explore the adequacy of planning that took place before the hurricane struck the Gulf Coast and the way federal, state and local governments reacted to the disaster. "Americans deserve answers," Frist said. Also yesterday, FEMA launched its own $1.4 million investigation of its hurricane response. Democratic leaders responded to the joint-congressional investigation by calling again for an independent probe similar to the investigation of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. "An investigation of the Republican administration by a Republican-controlled Congress is like having a pitcher call his own balls and strikes," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Reid demanded to know how Bush's vacation had affected hurricane relief, while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., pressed for the firing of FEMA Director Brown. "There were two disasters last week: first, the natural disaster, and second, the man-made disaster, the disaster made by mistakes made by FEMA," Pelosi said. Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman dismissed Democrats' criticism: "While countless Americans are pulling together to lend a helping hand, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are pointing fingers in a shameless effort to tear us apart." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhino Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards I have mixed emotions about this debit card issue right now too. Fact is the media has hyped up the bad and ignored most of the good in people. Makes it look like the majority of the people were looters, etc. while the fact is there was are small criminal element in NO like that. I don't know anybody from MS that's gone to the Astrodome. Don't know if they are handing out $2K debit cards in MS either. What I do know is we are doing what we can to help those in need over here and in many cases out of our own pockets. I know one very wealthy guy that bought up every generator he could find and drove to the coast and gave them away along with the fuel to run them. I know of another that bought a huge amount of food out of his own pocket and sent it to the coast for distribution. You don't hear about those kind of things. It angers me to see some here put our citizens in the same class as the worst element in NO. We are taking care of our own. We're not sending them to Texas, etc. What still bothers me is the overall attitude of people. In NO most of what we saw and heard from the media were people sitting back begging for help and preying on one another. Seems like that's the focus of attention here now too. Here in MS we saw people pulling together to help one another. That just goes back to the way we raise our children to grow up and become responsible adults. Now all those affected by this tragic storm are assumed to be just like the few animals that the media focused has on. Mad, you bet I'm mad. The MS Gulf coast looks more like an atomic bomb hit it than a storm yet because of the criminal element in NO seems like our citizens are considered in the same class as the looters in NO under this topic. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newarcher Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards I think the media smelled a chance to hang this on the hatpeg of George W. Bush so they only focused on the bad stuff. Had this happened when Bill Clinton was in office, given the same exact circumstances, all we would have heard is how Bill declared a state of emergency ahead of the storm and was at the ready waiting on the call. And how this agency was doing this and that. The entire thing from the reemergence of Jesse Jackson and Lowrey to the media coverage to the finger pointing is just sickening. The mayor of NO finally got off his butt, stopped blaming everyone else, and started making some critical decisions--namely to force people out of NO if they wouldn't come willingly. Then comes the decree from the Governor of LA that he doesn't have that power to order such a removal and that until she decides it is going to happen, it isn't. In the mean time, rescuers and residents who stayed are sitting in filthy water that is toxic....not just bad for you, deadly. What this woman on a power trip is thinking is beyond me. New Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BowtechTurkeyHunter Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] These cards are going to people that don't have insurance though. These are not the only people that need help. I think the problem is that the Republican party is trying to get this money to low income welfare and poverty stricken people. Think about this. Republican party is going to have to put someone up for election in a few years. With the amount of poverty stricken people they could possibly sway a vote in LA. Plus 2K is a cheap pay off for the Bush Admin to save face on this whole deal. [/ QUOTE ] Thats disgusting to me trying to make something this horrific about politics wow i guess if this is where this post is going then I think it should be moved it has nothing to do with Bush Lol he just has to fix it after the local government messed it up meaning mayor governor ect ect. I t wasnt suppose to be his job but they failed now it is. nwo whos fault is it..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muggs Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards Excellent points Rhino. Gator, you are letting the media sway your opinion. I think it's pretty foolish to assume that everyone down there is a looter, rapist, drug dealer etc... There's good people in this too, and with toxic water, thousands upon thousands of corpes floating by, many of them your friends and family, $2K is hardly a consolation for that. Keep in mind, the hard working people don't have a bank to go to, the don't have access to their checkbook right now either. This money can do a lot of good for them. Sure there are people not caring for themselves, blaming Bush for everything, looting, creating chaos, and guess what, those are the images that come blarring through the tube everynight. I know the media loves to report only the negative, compare it to Iraq. All you hear about is how many American's are killed each day, and nothing is said about the positive strides that are being made...why, because all the negative BS makes for a better story. But we have to look past that and realize what REALLY is going on. Mankind looking out for each other. Let's sqelch all the talk of this happened to me, and I didn't get anything out of it. An entire city was destroyed, homes, infastructure, and LIVES. This is the worst disaster in American history. These people need help. Saying all that, do I think this is a good idea? NO. The cards should be limited to food, clothing, shelter purposes only. Of course, there's a lot of gray area in that, $150 Nike shoes shouldn't be considered a necessity my any means. Like I said, it looks like they didn't think this one through enough, but I can't blame them, and I sure as heck don't envy the position the decision makers are in right now. They have disease infested water looming around them, starving, innocent people to save and a city to rebuild. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horst Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards Ok, thats a good point, but I must be reading it a little differently then you guys are. [ QUOTE ] For instance, you may have some people who have insurance and insurance is meeting their living expenses while they have been displaced," said Ed Conley, a FEMA spokesman in Houston. "It is going to vary by family." [/ QUOTE ] It doesnt say it wont include people who have insurance claims in.It just says it wont include peole who have insurance thats currently covering thier living expenses.They lost everything but right now theyre living expenses are being paid.But I gotta say, it doesnt make a lotta sense either way. [ QUOTE ] The cards are meant to help victims purchase food, transportation and other essentials but won't come with any restrictions. [/ QUOTE ] Realisticaly, these cards wont go very far towards any of these things, even if they use em for necasseties.They wont be buying cars unless thiers a good sale going on about 300,000 used cars for under a couple hundred bucks.2000$ isnt gonna get to many families outta these shelters unless they use it to travel somewhere they can stay for free, relatives, friends, etc... I never said I thought the cards were a good idea though, I just said we shouldnt be so quick to lump everyone down there into one catagory.The comments I read when I opened this post were directed at the people recieving the cards, they shoulda been directed at the people giving out the cards.And IMo even if the cards help some families get back onthier feet and headed towards living a normal life, itll be money well spent.Realistically they should have probably slowed down a little and put some restrictions on them and not limited them to those whos living expense arent being met.Its a mess either way but hopefully a lota people will use the money wisely. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hutchies Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] These cards are going to people that don't have insurance though. These are not the only people that need help. I think the problem is that the Republican party is trying to get this money to low income welfare and poverty stricken people. Think about this. Republican party is going to have to put someone up for election in a few years. With the amount of poverty stricken people they could possibly sway a vote in LA. Plus 2K is a cheap pay off for the Bush Admin to save face on this whole deal. [/ QUOTE ] Thats disgusting to me trying to make something this horrific about politics wow i guess if this is where this post is going then I think it should be moved it has nothing to do with Bush Lol he just has to fix it after the local government messed it up meaning mayor governor ect ect. I t wasnt suppose to be his job but they failed now it is. nwo whos fault is it..... [/ QUOTE ] Tell me this if you think the Bush Administration has nothing to do with it. The people in NO cry foul and put hatred toward the government for no stepping up. All of the sudden they are getting free money. People in MS are hit hard as well and I don't see them pointing the finger. Don't get me wrong I voted for George W. Tell me why under his administration FEMA was downgraded to the Homeland Security Department. Not only that but Bush's college buddies are now running FEMA and none of them had any experience in Disaster Management before their current position. I would seriously like for someone to tell me that people are not trying to help them out because 2 shelters Texoma State Lodge and Falls Creek offered and setup room for over 3200 people to come and live for as long as they needed it. Yesterday Falls Creek was told that they would probably not get any refugees and Texoma State Lodge was told to pack it up that they were not getting any for sure. Disclaimer: I am not saying all people are bad. I have quite a few friends in LA. I am talking about the people that are sitting on their butts expecting the government to just solve all their problems. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZooBear Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [/ QUOTE ] I live in Des Moines a lot of these ppl where GIVEN brand new homes they where given shelter they where given clothes and in many cases where given money it took Des Moines about 6 or 7 years and you cant even tell we had a Flood that shut down our city for 11 days My wife that I have now lived down there and her house was one that got flooded they got help from FEMA and a couple other places and her uncle got a brand new house built for him We made it without the 2k debit cards but we sure got a ton of government help and I mean a ton. [/ QUOTE ] Hi neighbor We are only 30 miles apart! Dont get me wrong, Im in favor of helping out the people who need it. As you stated, Des Moines was helped out without the use of debit cards and we pulled together to rebuild. The money being spent is not my problem with this issue but rather how its being spent. I dont understand how I could access a bank or store to use a goverment supplied debit card yet have no access to use my own debit card? I dont think $2000 will help anyone as well as food and temp housing would. I just see to great of a chance for abuse with the debit cards and that is a waste of resources these people truely need! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dg Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards I wonder how much we payed to the victims of 9/11? Just asking............................. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BowtechTurkeyHunter Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] [/ QUOTE ] I live in Des Moines a lot of these ppl where GIVEN brand new homes they where given shelter they where given clothes and in many cases where given money it took Des Moines about 6 or 7 years and you cant even tell we had a Flood that shut down our city for 11 days My wife that I have now lived down there and her house was one that got flooded they got help from FEMA and a couple other places and her uncle got a brand new house built for him We made it without the 2k debit cards but we sure got a ton of government help and I mean a ton. [/ QUOTE ] Hi neighbor We are only 30 miles apart! Dont get me wrong, Im in favor of helping out the people who need it. As you stated, Des Moines was helped out without the use of debit cards and we pulled together to rebuild. The money being spent is not my problem with this issue but rather how its being spent. I dont understand how I could access a bank or store to use a goverment supplied debit card yet have no access to use my own debit card? I dont think $2000 will help anyone as well as food and temp housing would. I just see to great of a chance for abuse with the debit cards and that is a waste of resources these people truely need! [/ QUOTE ] Your right there will be a few ppl that will abuse the cards no doubt about it but ppl abuse the welfare system every single day how long have we had a welfare system not a whole lot of improvement there either these cards are a bandaid fix I wouldnt be surprised if you see em do this again in a month. A lot off ppl are gonna really honestly be helped by these cards no doubt. Still dont know why the 2k cards are W's fault the director of FEMA wasnt given a stack of cards by W and told to hand them out. its not a law just part of the disaster recovery that we have never seen ... also excellent point about how much you think the family of 9/11 got for there grief and suffering that we didnt hear about ... Not to be stupid but I havent heard if the ppl in MS are even gonna get the cards or not ... if FEMA is giving them out I bet they do get them just not gonna hear about it on the media because its not the hot spot so to speak. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhino Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] I wonder how much we payed to the victims of 9/11? Just asking............................. [/ QUOTE ] I don't exactly remember but if memory serves the number ranged from about $250,000 to several Million $ depending on variables. Maybe someone from NY can come up with a more accurate figure. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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