Who Wants To Help....

Guest bexar_county89

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Guest bexar_county89

me?!? confused.gif I want to start bowhunting and I"m asking for any and all opinions on the type of bow you recommend and the price ranges. I'm a poor lost helpless gal alone and defenseless in the world of bows...... SAVE ME!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Who Wants To Help....


My opinion is find your self a good sporting goods store that carries different brands. Shoot as many different ones as you can in your price range. You really need to handle and shoot them to find what you are comfortable with cool.gif


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I 2nd that.

It really depends on what your willing to spend and then shoot as many as you can in that range.

Everybody has there own preferance and you will get 100 diferent answer out of 150 different people.

Dont be brand specific either, try em all and go from there.

Good Luck!

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Re: Who Wants To Help....


My opinion is find your self a good sporting goods store that carries different brands. Shoot as many different ones as you can in your price range. You really need to handle and shoot them to find what you are comfortable with cool.gif

This is exactly what you need to do a good pro shop is the ticket to a bigginer they will be more then helpful I am sure of it. I have never been in a bow shop where they werent willing to help me.


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Guest tyshe17

Re: Who Wants To Help....

Henestly all the bows out today will shoot multiple arrows through the same hole out of a machine. The price difference is becasue of speed, weight, how forgiving they are, quietness ect. I would look mid range on price at least and from there look at brace height and axel to axel length. Forgiving bows are hard to beat and these two factors do more to determine that than anything. Get a boy that feels good to you reguardless of what others say. You shoot what feels good to you better!

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