How is everyone?


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So I'm wondering how you all are these days? Obviously I'm not on as much with school but I know things will pick up, especially with deer season approaching in October. It is only the second week of school and I can't wait for the weekends. I'm actually staying on top of homework (a bonus for me,lol). Tomorrow I've got one class then an eye doctor's appointment at 1pm (ugh) then hopefulyl back by 3pm to do my training room job, then home to probably relax and do more homework grin.gif Next week I have to go take a course on driving the college vehicles so that I can help drive the backpacking class students to their trails and then I get to go along with them cool.gif Well I have a short time until bedtime. I'll try to keep my post count rising on here,lol. Take care everyone and stay out of trouble smile.gif Oh yeah, and intramurals start soon laugh.gifwink.giftongue.gifsmirk.gif

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Re: How is everyone?

Doing great here TG, my darling wife sent me to the doc. Yesterday for my blood work for the adoption. Fun was had by all. We have most of the paper work done, and should have our application shipped to China by end of November. That means we should fly by next June. Getting ready for archery season, few golf tournaments to finish up, and spoiling Carlee.( God is good, all the time.) Good luck with the intramurals. C-Ya grin.gif

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