Removing unfired load


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The water deal is BS. Just remove your breechplug and push the load through the rest of the barrel. You can do it this way or you can use a ball puller and pull it back through the barrel and out the muzzle. It is a lot harder to pull one back out than it is to push one the rest of the way through. That is unless you use a sidelock. Then thats the only method. I typically just push the bullet/powder charge through the breech.

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Re: Removing unfired load

if you don't want to shoot then pull the breech plug and catch your powder whether loose or pellets and push your bullet out. then clean it that way. i like to shoot it as i don't like to really handle the pellets and the oil form my hands on it and i use a pipe cleaner to load it in my barrel and i just shoot it out and clean it i shoot an encore so it;s not really hard to clean either

rob k

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