Question on smoking


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Re: Question on smoking

[quote You will find that when you hunt you will not even want a cig

[/ QUOTE ]

Really, I have smoked forever it seems, my craving for smokes don't ever go away LOL. I agree better not to stink yourself up. I do try to use cover scents likes earth wafers on me. Good luck if you decide to quit. smile.gif Welcome also !!!


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Re: Question on smoking mom died

Massdeerhunter is correct. COPD and respiratory related deaths tend to be very slow and painful, but the question is how will it affect deer activity around your stand? I have several uncles and cousins who smoke on the stand and have success, the truth is we will never know what we "don't see" in the woods. My objective is to eliminate as much possible human odor and error to ensure as much possible success as I can experience. Consider the additional arm movement that occurs w/ smoking, not to mention a foreign odor. Best of luck.

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Re: Question on smoking mom died

I smoke, too much it seems. I don't smoke in the woods, we don't smoke in the house but I still don't keep my camo in the house, I smoke to and from hunting but keep the window all the way down, when I get home I usually keep my camo hanging outside for the week in the woods behind the house to air out, then I put them in a plastic bag when I go to hunt. I also spray liberally with the autumn scent killer and use a cover scent of some sort. When I am up in the tree sometimes I get the urge, sometimes not, when I do I pull out the trusty bag of sunflower seeds, those help more than any nicotine patch.

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Re: Question on smoking

Quit now...and in a year you will be wondering why you ever did it. As far as hunting goes, some people smoke in there stands and kill bucks. Even some nice bucks. But one will never know if the biggest deer they ever would have seen caught a whiff of that and ran off unnoticed. Back when I smoked I did not smoke in the woods.

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Re: Question on smoking

Listen GNAT, I smoked since I was 13 years old and finally quit 4 days before Fathers Day this year...I'm 43 years old now.

I have killed alot of deer as a smoker....big deer...No...but alot of them anyways.

I always hunted into the wind and killed deer.

I will tell you that as the years went by.....the deer that I killed were closer and closer to the truck or the camp........Simply because I couldnt make it anywhere else.

I will also tell you that today I went hunting and walked for miles...I walked to within 35 feet of a bedded doe just to see how close I could get. I chose not to shoot at her when she realized I was there and ran directly away from me. It was something that would have never happened before I quit smoking. Just this last year I had a treestand within 200 yards of the place where I parked my truck...and in the snow it was everything I could do just to get there....Oh yeah...did I tell you that TODAY I WALKED FOR MILES...yeah I thought I did already. It just sounds fantastic to me...I think I'll do some more..felt really good(oh and I found a couple new places for treestands that I never knew existed too).

See Where This Is Headed Yet....LOL

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Re: Question on smoking

welcome bud.

you should quit because smoking causes cancer. scaring deer away would be way down the list for my reason to quit.

as far as your specific question, i don't know. i've never smoked, but in populated Ohio, i don't know if smoking really scares deer all that much, but can't honestly say.

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Re: Question on smoking

Welcome to the forums!

Smoking is a nasty, deadly, and expensive habit. I can preach a little because I use to smoke. Once you give it up you'll wish you quit sooner. Hunting, though important in all of our lives, should be one of the last reasons. Think of your health and your family.....

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Re: Question on smoking

My dad used to smoke those little Winchester cigars in the stand. I know there are several occasions where he layed the cigar down, shot his deer then finished the cigar. He has since quit cold turkey and at 61 he just got back from elk hunting and was able to hike up/down the mtn to hunt and actually breath. When he smoked I thought i was going to have to carry him up the mountain because he could not breath.

A few years ago on the neighboring property there was an older man that had been bow hunting for many years but never took a deer. He was a chain smoker and a alcoholic. He finally took a 160 class 19pt with a cig in the mouth and 5 empty Stag beer cans at the base of the tree. Go figure!

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Re: Question on smoking


Ok, quitting is the best answer and I know that. Quitting IS on my "to do list". How about a comprimse, I will cut down and leave them at home (not in the truck). This should be do able. smile.gif

Thanks for all the welcomes and advice! I am leaving the camo outside in a plastic bag filled with dry leaves. Boy it would be nice to walk more than a few hundred yards with OUT getting winded! At this point just climbing to the top of the 12' ladder stand starts to get me breathing heavy and i'm only 29!!

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There can't be any compromise!! Just QUIT!! Throw the blasted things away! Cutting down does not work! I quit in '91 and that was the only way I could do it. I tried that "cutting down" rubbish several times!

If you are only 29 and are that short of breath, you are starting to have some serious problems with your lungs and heart!

QUIT!!! Good luck!

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