First scrape pics


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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: First scrape pics

I was talking to a deer biologist last night, deer will use rubs and scrapes year round. think if it as there e-mail or cell phone. is is how they let other deer in the area who they are and they are. you could also think of it as a dating service for deer.

as the rut gets closer, the deer will start using the rubs and scrapes more and more. also a scrape needs to have a licking branch. if the branch brakes off that scrape will disapear. bucks have steps that they go thru when creating a scrape. the first is to smell the branch to see who else has used the scrape, then a buck will add his smell to the branch (bucks have 47 pharmones (sp) produced on their head). then they will clean out the area and finily pee in it. grate photos you have there of this activaty. would have been really neat if you had gotten them peeing in it as well.


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