My 2004 Buck (Pic)


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Well here he is gang.....

What yall think....

He's only a 3 1/2 year old buck. But hey I took this deer with my bow, so for doing that. He makes fantastic trophy for me....

I am pretty tickled.... smile.gif

Sorry folks if the pic is so big. But I was in a hurry. Because my son-in-law Mike (roadkill10) got him a buck this morning and I'm off and running.....


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Re: My 2004 Buck (Pic)

Thanks everyone!!!!!!!

Yeah I was pretty excited to get him.....

Last year during bow season I had a bad year. I missed 5 deer and a hog with my bow.....

I was lossing my confidence as a bow hunter.

But this year I redeamed myself.

I took a nice buck with my bow. I made a perfect hit on him and better yet I recovered the buck 80 yards from me.....

It don't get any better then that.........

Now I'm ready to do it again......

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