help with the bend thing please!?!?!??!


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what does everyone mean "bend at the waist" when in a tree stand and not drop your pin on the deer? like how is bending gonna help a whole 2 inches dropping your bow on the deer and how do you know exactly how far to go than bend?!?!?! im confused... this is my first year hunting out of a tree stand and i need HELP bad PLEASE!!!

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Re: help with the bend thing please!?!?!??!

When you draw on a deer from an elevated position, draw like you normally would. Then, instead of lowering your bow arm to aim at your target, bend at the waist.

Draw your bow when shooting on flat ground. Notice the imaginary line you can draw from the elbow of your realese arm, to the grip of your bow. When you bend at the waist, instead of dropping your bow arm, you keep this imaginary line intact. If you drop your arm, and change that imaginary line, you are changing the mechanics of your form, thus creating a diferent point of impact.

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Re: help with the bend thing please!?!?!??!

chances are you going to hit low and to the left. The farther the shot, the farther you will be off. This being your first year with the bow. You NEED to practice from a stand. It is the only way to get it right. Shooting from a stand is a whole different ballgame, then shooting from level ground. You owe it to the game you hunt to practice this.

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Re: help with the bend thing please!?!?!??!


chances are you going to hit low and to the left. The farther the shot, the farther you will be off. This being your first year with the bow. You NEED to practice from a stand. It is the only way to get it right. Shooting from a stand is a whole different ballgame, then shooting from level ground. You owe it to the game you hunt to practice this.

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Tedi cast you are so right!!I have been wondering for years what I did wrong on the only deer I have wounded with a bow in 8 years of bowhunting.The deer was about 15yds,and feeding on acorns.He was moving to my right,and when he went behind a tree I drew my bow,a minute later he turned left,and started moving away a hair.I waited for a good shot,and my arms were getting tired.I didn't bend at the waist I was afriad of too much movement with him that close,so I just dropped my arm,to bring the pin behind his shoulder.I released,and the arrow hit him through the bottom of the shoulders blush.gif.I never found him,and believe me I searched everywhere for a week!My uncle said I must have not hit anything fatal,but until now I never realized what had gone wrong.This is coming from someone who had taken deer with a bow before,and practiced religiously from a stand.I just went brain dead at the moment of truth.I always seem to learn the hard way.What causes you to shoot low,and left like that?Is it because it changes your line of sight?Thanks man. grin.gif

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Re: help with the bend thing please!?!?!??!


oooooooooooooooo sooo move your hole body downwards pretty much??

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Not your whole body, just from your waist up. Your lower body should be still. Try it, it's not as hard as it sounds. grin.gif

You're asking alot of good questions which will reduce your "trial-and-error" period grin.gif

Good luck this fall.

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Re: help with the bend thing please!?!?!??!


I put my stand up in the yard, and shot at the pratice bag!

If you don't have a tree big enough use a light pole.

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They tell you never climb a utility pole!!! crazy.gif

Good info there guys! I need to do this as well! Been hunting 30 years, first year with a bow!

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Re: help with the bend thing please!?!?!??!


same principel applies when shooting sitting down right guys?Bend a little?

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It doesn't matter if you are standing, sitting, kneeling, crouching.... From an elevated platform you bend at the waist, and keep the mechanics of your upper body the same as if shooting on the ground.

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Re: help with the bend thing please!?!?!??!



same principel applies when shooting sitting down right guys?Bend a little?

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It doesn't matter if you are standing, sitting, kneeling, crouching.... From an elevated platform you bend at the waist, and keep the mechanics of your upper body the same as if shooting on the ground.

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Well said tedicast... wink.gif

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