Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

Guest outdoorgirl

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Guest outdoorgirl

I need your advice on making a mock scrape and where is a good place to set one up. What do you put on your mock scrape ?? Picking a good location to setup ...what do you look for ? please help me out this is going to be my first time setting up a mock scrape ......thanks Karen

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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

position your scrape on a travel route.....locate a overhanging branch about 50"-60" off of the ground....i use vanilla on the licking branch and the Hawgs Limited synthetic stuff in the scrape.....i'll usually make about 3 scrapes in a small area......

heres a does really work laugh.gif


i have more pics.....but i have to get them uploaded.....

and heres the link to the Hawgs Limited place....

Hawgs Limited

you can buy it at Wal-Mart.... grin.gif

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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

I've heard that sometimes a mock scrape will scare the deer away. True?? far away from the food plot should you put it??? Can you put right next to it??? I've hung some scent bombs around but they ignore it.

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

I think the biggest key is having a licking branch as stated above. all I do is pee in the scrape and let it be (as nuts as this sounds). it works well. all you are doing is trying to atract deer to the spot to start using. once you get one deer (buck or doe) to use it, their sent will bring in others that will use it. this time of year most deer will just pee in the scrape, and not pee on their tarsal glands.

one thing is for sure, they can make for a good setup.


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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please


I've heard that sometimes a mock scrape will scare the deer away. True?? far away from the food plot should you put it??? Can you put right next to it??? I've hung some scent bombs around but they ignore it.

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I'm sure some deer may get spooked, but most will just see it as a mesage board (much like we do here on the net) and post a mesage in the scrape for all the other deer to "read & respond to".

last year I put a mock on the edge of a soybean field, with in one week I had more sign right around that spot then I had seen all year (rubs and new scrapes) and that was in August, they used it all fall and winter. again the licking branch needs to be there. if not NO deer will use it.


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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

Well I have a perfect spot on the edge of my food plot with a lickin branch included. I have made a mock scrape there in the past and hung a scent bomb right over it, but no results. They come in and go right to feeding or chasin does.

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please


You pee on it yourself???????? I can just see myself squattin over this scrape. blush.gifgrin.gif

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I was going to say, you may want one of your guy hunting buddies to pee on it for you. rather then you having to try to manower.... oh never mind.... blush.gifblush.gif


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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

also depending on your buck and doe ratio, deer may not use the scrape as much as other areas. something else to concider.

maybe i'm lucky and my pee smells like a buck blush.gif

or worse a doe blush.gifsmile.gif


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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please far as checking them everyday......I try not to go out there very much unless I have to take corn out. ( Which is getting to be almost twice a week) I don't want to keep leaving my scent. crazy.gifcrazy.gif

So, okay...I'll either get a guy to pee on it or I guess I could pee in a cup first!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

But what about the doe in heat stuff??? Don't fool with it??

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

no I don't my thinking is once a deer uses it, he or she, sent will atract more deer, at some point that mock scrape turns into the real thing. you just helped it get started in the spot you wanted. if you have a trail cam set it up, and I bet you will be amased at the amount of deer that come in and sniff. I'll pee once and that will be it.


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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please


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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

what is a mock scrape anyways!?!?!? of what u guys are talkin about i cut a tree down next to my stand a while ago and the tree has its limbs up by a deer trail should i put something on thaat or there are alot of other trees... should i put it on the or if i should do anything what should i put on em? like what kind of food or lure? or pee? lol

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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

[ QUOTE ] far as checking them everyday......I try not to go out there very much unless I have to take corn out. ( Which is getting to be almost twice a week) I don't want to keep leaving my scent. crazy.gifcrazy.gif

So, okay...I'll either get a guy to pee on it or I guess I could pee in a cup first!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

But what about the doe in heat stuff??? Don't fool with it??

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Maybe some (or all) of the guys here on the forum can pee in cups and send them to you. LOL grin.gif

Anyway, good info on the mock scrapes. Thanks.

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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please


what is a mock scrape anyways!?!?!?

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An attempt to make a scrape that will be taken over by a real deer, strategically located near a stand you hunt. A scrape dripper works well at dispensing scent during the day over a period of time. Active scrape or dominant buck urine can work really well in a dripper. The licking branch is an overhanging limb approximately 4 feet above the ground, that deer will chew on and also leave scents on from their heads. Using a gland scent on a licking branch in combination with scents in a mock scrape work well. Deer(does and bucks both) make many scrapes, and some will get checked pretty well every day. Community scrapes are used by more than one deer and they can be great for seeing a lot of activity on a pretty regular basis.

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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please

Hey outdoorgirl, if the rut isn't go'in on or close to, the mock scrape might not work. Rut here in Pa. doesn't come until late October or November. When scrapes start appearing try this little trick. If you can locate the scrape of a buck you want to hunt, go a few miles away and locate another scrape, dig some of the urine saturated soil up and doctor your bucks scrape with it. This can really drive a buck crazy thinking another buck is using his scrape. It's good to have you gals out there as fellow hunters. good luck, good health and safe hunting

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Re: Making a mock scrape....can you help me out please


also depending on your buck and doe ratio, deer may not use the scrape as much as other areas. something else to concider.

maybe i'm lucky and my pee smells like a buck blush.gif

or worse a doe blush.gifsmile.gif


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LOL,,, Frank , we all know your more like a doe ...LOL Its actuaclly the salt in your urine that the deer smell........ Frank, Your an emt u should know this stuff ...... lol grin.gif

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