String Leeches

Guest kunegos

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Do I really need them since my Legacy has the string suppressors? I've heard that cat whiskers work as well, without the speed loss. I've also heard of people trimming the arms off of the leeches without gaining any noise.

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Re: String Leeches

unless you bow is really loud.. the string leeches wont do all the job.. you might look to see if you are shooting to many pounds for to light an arrow..

many guys dont realize how important it is to make the bow as heavy as possible.. it adds to dampening the sound.. and the type of stabilizer you use will make a big differance..

without the specs of what your shooting its tough to say..

make subtle changes to your bow and see if some of them might help.. but usually our bows soind loundert han they really are.. have a buddy stand off to the side and listen..

Shoot Strong


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Re: String Leeches

Well, my SQ2 sounds the same with or without string leeches, to me that is. However, since taking my leeches off I have had a few friends ask me what I did to make my bow so quiet, but they never mentioned anything like that with them on. Not only is it just as quiet or maybe even more quiet, but I picked up a nice chunk of speed as well by taking them off.

Truth be known, cat whiskers weigh more than leeches and will cost you more overall speed. Positioned properly they could gain you a LITTLE bit of speed, but that is usuallt the exception as opposed to the rule. If you want to use silencers, put the leeches in your string and cut the legs off, leaving just the chunk in your string. Doing this reduces the weight from 60 grains a pair down to 20 grains, so you eliminate 40 grains of junk from your string. Not only does it reduce weight, but chopping the legs off prevents them from busting off during a shot and stinging you wink.gif

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Re: String Leeches

Im shooting a Mathews Legacy, 29.5" and 70#, shooting A/C/C 3-71's. I have Limbsaver Ultras on the Limbs, and a 4.5" Vibracheck Isolator stabilizer.

I don't find the bow especially loud in the first place. I was just thinking that if the Leeches aren't really making that much difference there's no reason to leave them in.

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