Clothes outside, or out of bag?


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Well with season quickly approaching, what do you do? Do you take your clothes out of the bag and hang them outside... or do you rely on your work last season, when you put them in your scent proof bags, and just pull em' put them on and go?

And what do I need to do for my carbon liner? Just throw it in the dryer and go? I'm not even sure how big of a difference it will make? Guess time will tell. Can't wait to smell that earth tone when I break them bags open! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Clothes outside, or out of bag?

I would store them in your scent tight bag. I wear my scentlok baseslayers with something over them out to my spot and then change into my Scentblocker jacket & pants once I get out of my truck. All of them get stored in my Scentlok scent tight bag.

As for the carbon lining, just throw them in the dryer for 30min after every weeks hunt. Depending on the temperature and how much you sweat you may want to do it more often. Each time you throw it in the dryer your heating the carbon up enough for most* of the scent molecules to be released out of the carbon pores.

Carbon suits and underlayers are only to be washed when ie- covered in blood, mud etc... It is recommended to wash them 2-3 times per season depending on your climate. Many washing will begin breaking down the activated carbon.

It is NOT recommened to use cover up scent (ie- fresh earth wafers) with carbon clothing. Your actually doing more harm then good. When the earth wafers are in the scent tight bag, the carbon will absorb the earth oder and all the pores will begin to "fill up." Once they get full there will be no room for human scent absorbtion while out in the field. The best way to go with using carbon clothing is "Scent-less" Just make sure you are washing all your clothes in specific Scentlok or Scentblocker deteregent. Carbon Blast or white lighting can be used to get one final spray down before heading afield.

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Re: Clothes outside, or out of bag?

I get mine out about 4-5 days before opening day, wash them in Scent-A-Way earth scent detergent, dry them in the dryer with Scent-A-Way earth dryer sheats, then in the bag until opening morning when I will get them out, put them on and off to the woods I go. I will spray down with Scent-A-Away or Scent Killer before I go to my stand.

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Re: Clothes outside, or out of bag?

i use a Rubbermaid contanier to hold all of my hunting clothes.. i dress in the field and then place them back in it when im done.. i keep a couple of the dirt scent wafers in there also..

for my scent loc stuff i just wash them when i think they need it. which in the early season can be twice a week.. then simply dry them in the dryer and store in the contanier..

Shoot Strong


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Re: Clothes outside, or out of bag?

For some reason, I always like to hang my clothes outside. I am very scent conscience and have used wafers before, wash all hunting clothes in scent away detergent, then wash them in water-only twice - but even all this, I still like to put them outside for a few hours or overnight. You can't beat the scent of mother nature.

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Re: Clothes outside, or out of bag?

When I buy my camo, I wash it in Scent-A-Way Plus Fresh Earth Laundry Detergent. Then, I put them in Rubbermaid totes. I have 7 different totes for hunting clothes, one for pants and bibs, one for jackets and shirts, one for insulated camo, one for hats, gloves, etc., one for backpacks and turkey/upland bird vests and one for blaze orange. Then, I have a travel tote also. I put what I need to in that tote. Right now, for example, I have a pair of bibs, a button-up shirt and a jacket, along with my backpack, hat, license and harness. In that tote, I put out a bunch of Fresh Earth Scent Wafers to get them smelling like dirt.

It's not really a "scent free" routine, but more of a cover scent routine. But, it works really, really well so far. cool.gif

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Guest martinbowhunter

Re: Clothes outside, or out of bag?

I was wash my clothes in scent eliminating detergent and hang them out on the line for at least a week rain or shine then they go in my scent proof bag for hunting

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Re: Clothes outside, or out of bag?

I like to put mine in a bag of leaves and pine branches from the area I hunt , so I smell just as natuaral as posable , that works for me I havent purchased the scent lock yet because this has worked great and costs a lot less

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