To hunt or not to hunt?


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Well, most of you all know I took on the hunting lease, so I am figuring I probably out to take up turkey hunting? I'm too late for the WI fall season but could put in for the WI Spring hunt.

So what do I need to get me going?

Shotgun type?



Clothing? (assuming I could use my archery clothing)

Anything else?

A little help from all of you experience boys! grin.gif

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: To hunt or not to hunt?

gun - i would say find one that fits you and shoots a tight pattern with a good turkey choke tube. alot of good guns out there, most will do the job when set up right.

calls- find a slate or glass call and work with it along with a reed mouth call. pratice, pratice, pratice, is the name of the game.

blindes - its up to you on a blind. most people like to stay mobil and a blind is hard to stay mobil with. a bull blind is a good choice.

clothing- your archery cammo will work fine. try to match your cammo with the time of year.

anything else- a good owl or a crow call to locate birds with. gloves, face mask

if you want and it helps sometimes some deeks. at least a hen. i use the love triangel from feather flex. they can be set up different ways to the birds breeding cycle.

good luck. im sure others will chime in with some info and help you bag a bird.

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Re: To hunt or not to hunt?


So what do I need to get me going?

Shotgun type?



Clothing? (assuming I could use my archery clothing)

Anything else?

[/ QUOTE ]

This is quite a bit to answer in one thread. shocked.gifgrin.gif

Maybe you could start threads with specifics laugh.gif

Shotguns is a matter of choice. If you have one already and can get a turkey choke for it is the way I would go first.

Calls: Look and find which ones will suit your preferences and learn to call.

Your archery clothing should be fine if it blends in during the spring

There are many be continued

(Time to take son to school for JV football bus)

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Re: To hunt or not to hunt?

12 guage use a ground blind with 4 shootin holes u dont need camo jus dont wear anything too bright... get maybe 2 hen decoys and a jake decoy and set em bout 10 yards from you and jus get a slate call... call bout every 10 15 mins and if you hear one gobbling everytime he gobbles call back unless he does like everysecond give him a min or 2 and when u see him dont call as loud... its actually a lot easier than i thought it would be... im only 14 and ive called in over 30 toms... no lie

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Re: To hunt or not to hunt?

Not need for a special shotgun like G4 stated. Most shotguns with an aftermarket turkey choke will be adequate for killing turkeys out to 30 yards and beyond.

To be honest information and scouting is what kills turkeys. I've killed a few birds wihtout making a call(leaf scratching). Knowing the bird's habits and where it wants to be will usually add up to turkey for dinner.

It's a great idea to pair up with someone who's done it for a while to get a feel for it. When I started years ago I didn't have that person but got lucky with the help of folks like the ones we have here through the internet.

Good Luck!

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Guest Tail_Feathers

Re: To hunt or not to hunt?

Get a good X Full or XX Full choke for your shotgun, or if you don't have one, pick up a Mossberg (835) or a Remingon 870, or one of many other brands.

Then find some turkey loads, I like Win. Supreme's or some of the Hevi Shot loads.

Pick up a Lynch box call, any of 'em work good. Try out Primos Power Crystal call (rough it up real good and it'll work great). Use your bowhunting camo and have some fun!

Turkey hunting is addictive. You'll want more stuff when you get a good taste of it...guaranteed!

But a gun, full camo and a good choke/load combo will get you started. A box and a pot (crystal/slate/glass/aluminum) type call are the easiest to learn on. Pick up a double reed mouth call and try to learn that too. It's fun. The rest, you can get later.

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Re: To hunt or not to hunt?

If you already have a shogun, just get a tight shooting choke for it. Before special turkey guns and chokes came out I hunted with a 12 ga. 28" full choke. Pattern you gun with some different magnum shells and shot sizes. Mine patterns best with #5 shot but check yours out for what it likes.

As far as calls go, G4 pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I prefer the sound and versatility of slate calls but I carry an arsenal of turkey calls in my turkey vest. To start off though get a couple of different calls and practice like G4 said.

Your camo for deer hunting will work fine. You just want to blend in as best you can. Full camo is a must for turkey hunting. Turkeys can see color. Mater of fact it's said turkeys can see 10 times better than we can. Good thing we don't have to worry about them smelling us.

I don't think blinds are necessay but that's your call. I never use them myself. Setting up on a tree with good camo and being still has worked for me for many years.

For extras...You will want to get a comfortable seat cushion or a turkey vest with a seat attached to it. You don't want to be squirming around as a turkey approaches because your rear end is sore.

Borch is absolutely right when it comes to killing turkeys. Your woodsmanship skills are the most important weapon you have. Scouting and patterning the birds where you hunt will let you know where they tend to go and where you should try to set up to get in their way. Knowing your land and the general pattern of the birds that use it will greatly improve your odds for feasting on a turkey dinner. wink.gif

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Re: To hunt or not to hunt?

Turkey hunting is a blast I was 5 years before I even killed my first turkey ....seen lots of them learned alot but when I shot my first turkey man what a relief most of all you have to have fun doing it get a gun that comfortable, start out with a easy to use call and master it, you should be fine with your archery camo, a blind is a real nice thing to have hunting turkeys casue they dont care if its there or not ... I always say that turkeys have to temperments there either content and relaxed or ther outa there.

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