Deer Biology Question


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I read somewhere that deer (and other big game species) have such a keen sense of smell, that they are able to separate 10 or more different scents at the same time.

If this is true, then why do we carry all these different scents into the bush with us ? Why not mix em all together, and let the deer's keen sense of smell sort it out.

I don't think a deer is smart enough to reason and say to itself..."hey..that buck-in-rut urine, shouldn't be mixed with doe-in-estrous and vanilla" grin.gif

What I'm getting at is, why not just buy all "your/their" favourite scents....mix them all together and go hunting. ? Are we giving deer far too much credit for their intelligence than they rightly deserve ? confused.gif

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Re: Deer Biology Question

i think your right buckee but i go with no scent at all i think that if you use even earth scent that it could alarm the deer they would be just walking around and say man thats a lot of dirt smell like you said they cant resone so i think any smell out of the ordinary would alarm deer have to remember all they do is eat (survive) and breed

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Re: Deer Biology Question

I have read Laroche's book on how keen the smeller is on the deer...I don't think mixing them together would be good.

For instance, if a deer is used to smelling a few smells together quite frequently, then smells something completely different, their alarm response would be started and there goes your deer.

I think it is all about familiarity, if you can tease the deer towards you without alerting them, you are one step up on the deer.

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Re: Deer Biology Question

Think some of them have some really great instincts for survival, whether it be through scent differentiation seeing something out of place or whatever, older deer often times know when something is not quite right.

It is not so much a thought process of rationalizing this smell or that smell as it is an instinct to keep away from danger.

Really dont think mixing the scents would be a great idea though Steve.

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Re: Deer Biology Question

Go scent free and play the wind - after that you have no control. I've said this before but I'll repeat it here.

My buddy's dad spilled gasoline on his hunting gloves on the way to the hunt site 3 years ago and shot two bucks before 7:30 am on opening day.

Do the best you can and don't worry about it - and whatever you do, don't (wait, I have to put a dip in) dip. Just kidding.

That same friend was dipping copenhagen and spitting it on the ground - he had to move to the opening of his tower stand to spit out of his stand and noticed a 10 point buck about 240 lbs sneaking (literally belly to the ground and crawling - then th buck stood up and started to dance, yes dance like the irish dancers) through the woods at 25 yards. He shot him in the neck.

I think we give deer too much credit. When the rut is on, you can count on deer focusing on one smell - the ladies.

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Re: Deer Biology Question

According to the research I’ve read a deer can detect scents down to the molecular level. There are numerous natural scents already out there before we throw anymore into the mix.

Why not mix them together? Don’t know Steve. Maybe some may interact with others in a way you wouldn’t want them to and maybe not. Who knows?

I’m not real big on using scents myself. I’m a no scent kind of guy that prefers to be as scent free as possible and leave it at that. Seems to work better for me than when I used to try the deer scents and cover scent kind of stuff.

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