Thanks Steve!!!


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Just wanted to say thanks Steve for all the help. Also, the rest that gave me some input as well!

Today I finaly got the bow straighten out! No matter what distance I was shooting the BH and FT were all hitting the same spot! I would fire three BH's, then three FT's at each of the three different circles on my block target. All would hit very close to the first BH arrow! Some were even touching! I believe everything is ready for my first day hunting with the bow. I even tried 40 yards all with the same arrows, same results! I am so happy this bow is ready!

Thanks again!!! cool.gif

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Re: Thanks Steve!!!

DANG John I know where your problem went.... mad.gifmad.gif,,RIGHT here to my bow.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

I had to go and get my biskit insert replaced today and now my BH's are shooting low and right,,,,before hand I could nail the bulls eye out to 40 every time.....

What do you think guy's ??? Do you think the center shot changed with the new insert ?? This is what tedicast and I are thinking.....Do I need to have it resquared to get my zeroing back ??

Like I said before I had the biskit insert replaced I could nail the bulls eye with just about any type of BH or FT..... crazy.gifcrazy.giffrown.gif

Some usefull input would be greatly appreciated,,,

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Re: Thanks Steve!!!

Steve I hade to change the insert becuase it just wouldn't support the shaft any longer....I did check to make sure the new one was seated properly and it seems to be OK... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

I'm assuming the added support and the new stiff bristles have change the center shot or squaring like Tedicast has suggested....

Here we go with the resighting again.... frown.giffrown.gif

Next time John keep the problems your way... grin.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

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Re: Thanks Steve!!!


Next time John keep the problems your way... grin.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Before I got the tuning kit, I moved the nock down 1/8". Shot the bow and it was better, but the BH's and FT's were still not hitting the same! After I got the tuning kit, I had to move it down another 1/8"! It was a 1/4" off! Since I did this I had to move the entire sight down three lines on my Trophy Ridge. BANG! Everything was dead on, never moved any pins just the sight!

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Re: Thanks Steve!!!

Well folks I have know clue now,,I'm even more for a loss.... crazy.gifcrazy.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif

I spent 4 1/2 Hrs. at the proshop this morning with 2 mind you not one but to of the best proshopers around this area,,,,,and they are even stumped as to why all of a sudden I can't shoot Fixed Blade BroadHeads......

We tried everything and I mean everything and no go,,the fixed blades just won't sight in..... crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif,,,,,I got so frustrated, I said the heck with it and bought these and man let me tell you some deer is in big big trouble....... grin.gifgrin.gif


These Mech. Heads are awsome. 50 yrds. and dead center everytime..... wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif

Still drives me crazy though as to why out of the blue Fixed blades just stopped being accurate for me.....OH WELL....

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