Velvet - No velvet pics


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Got this buck with velvet and then without about 2 weeks later, see how the end of the main beams turn in towards each other:



Got this decent 10 without velvet as well:


Another buck walking away, hard horn:


Again, I had some problems with flash bleed with my homebrew cam, thought I had it all fixed. Turns out, the flash was going through the edge of the glass in front of it and through the edge of the glass covering the lens. A little cleaning up, some more white silicon, and the flash bleed problem is no more. cool.gif

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Guest TheNumber1Young1

Re: Velvet - No velvet pics

great pics, huge bucks, and umm where is it your exactly located?and you said you would let me hunt those deer rigth?did i hear that correctly?? grin.gif jk

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