shooting threw a blind


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Re: shooting threw a blind

chance whats the chance in it. I mean you shoot thru it into a target. Its either gonna open and you'll miss your mark or its gonna be dead nuts. I've tried shooting with the blades already open on a mechanical and they are off a good 6 inches. If it works in practise then it should work in the woods

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Re: shooting threw a blind

paul, after your snapping back at maddhunters reply I can see why no one is too enthusiastic about making another reply to this post. The instructions that come with the Ameristep blind says they don't recommend shooting mechanicals through the window mesh. If you planned to experiment, why bother asking for opinions?

Go ahead and experiment, and let us know your results.

I carry four arrows. Two are mechanicals and two are fixed broadheads. I use the broadheads if I plan to shoot through the screen and the mechanicals if I have the windows open. I have had good luck shooting the fixed broadheads through the screen, but have never tried shooting the mechanicals through it. .....popgun

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