shells for these smart birds

Guest littlebighorn

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Guest littlebighorn

not sure what to use??looking for a good shell that performs at both short and long distance.also what size shot do you peferre.i am looking foward to getting into the woods for a little cat and mouse.i have been out to my hunting spot and have seen some really nice birds.beards around 8-9 inch now i just have to close the deal.can't wait until oct 3rd.good luck to all and thanks for the help

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Re: shells for these smart birds

First of all welcome Littlebighorn

All guns shoot different loads differently. I shoot a old Rem. 870 Express with a HS Undertaker Choke tube and for the longest time I shot Federal 3" 2 ounce 6's. It shot fairly tight patterns out to about 35 yards. I have recently changed to Rem. 3" 2 ounce #5 mag. turkey loads and it holds a tight pattern out to 40 yards and has alot more knock down power at farther distances.

You will need to shoot your gun with different loads from differnt companys, but #4's, 5's and 6's are what most hunters use. Just experiment

Hope this helps and good luck this fall

God Bless


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Guest hunter480

Re: shells for these smart birds

It`s true that you need to try different loads with different guns and chokes. I can tell you I use a Browning BPS NWTF 12 .ga. I used a Comp-N-Choke in my previous turkey gun, but I wound up using the X-full turkey choke that came with my newBPS. I`ll tell you why. My nephew told me about a new turkey load he tried, and said it was incredible. I tried it, and it`s awesome. It the new Winchester Supreme Xtended Range Hi-Density Turkey Load. I wound up trying the 3 inch 6 shot. I sighted in using the shoot-n-see life size turkey targets. At 20 yards, I was nearly cutting the target in half. At 40 yards, I was putting 31 pellets in the kill zone. I dropped a bird at about 25 yards this past season, and he never flinched or flopped. You should give these a try.

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Re: shells for these smart birds


First of all welcome Littlebighorn

All guns shoot different loads differently. I shoot a old Rem. 870 Express with a HS Undertaker Choke tube and for the longest time I shot Federal 3" 2 ounce 6's. It shot fairly tight patterns out to about 35 yards. I have recently changed to Rem. 3" 2 ounce #5 mag. turkey loads and it holds a tight pattern out to 40 yards and has alot more knock down power at farther distances.

You will need to shoot your gun with different loads from differnt companys, but #4's, 5's and 6's are what most hunters use. Just experiment

Hope this helps and good luck this fall

God Bless

Shawn [/quote


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Re: shells for these smart birds

I shoot a Rem 11-87 and a 3in #5 Winchester turkey loads pattern best in my gun. Every gun is different and you have to invest in several boxes of different shells and see which works best in your gun and at different ranges. As soon as you know which patterns best just remember the brand and load and your done. Good luck

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