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The nerve of some people. This is a first to me although I know it's happened to many of you guys. I got out of work early to hunt over my remote foodplot. Get out there and get dressed in the heat. All geared up walking to my stand nice and quiet at about 4:15. Get to where my stand is supposed to be and - NO STAND! I know that's the tree I hung it in back in July. Gone. A dozen screw in steps gone as well. I'm at a bit of a loss standing there looking at the tree. I go to retrieve my trailcam that's back in the woods about a hundred yards across the pipeline. No markers or anything. Go to the tree - GONE! I can understand them seeing the treestand if they saw the food plot due to the shooting lanes cut, but how the heck did they find my camera. Again at a loss. I walked around for a bit contemplating what to do. Not much I could do, just walked back, got changed, and drove home. Probably out about $150 all together. Guess I can still go back and hunt the spot with my climber, but I'm just bummed. Hope I find out who did it. I'm not really one to retaliate, but some people just need to be taught a lesson in decency. Find my stand, hunt in my stand - fine. Steal my stand, WTF!

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Guest bowhunter56


Sorry to read all this, society is really messed up, morales are gone, decency is gone, respect is gone. I as many have had a tree stand stolen, i always thought hunters in the woods were a brotherhood of sorts, but after my stand was stolen, i changed my outlook on fellow hunters. There are thieves in all areas of our society.

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thats too bad... but dont you have any idea who might have been in the area.. was this private land or public ?

if its private and remote, then it might not be to hard to figure out who might have been in the area at that time.. i would ask some of the neighbors if they saw anything suspicious...

Shoot Strong


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I know how you feel. Someone stole my climber right out of the back of my truck. I didn't want to leave it out in the woods for fear someone might steal it.

I don't trust people, normally, but since I live in the city, I didn't think anyone would even know what was in the back of my truck. Well, apparently when I went into a store, someone just yanked it out the back. Normal cost was $229 I did get a deal on it, but now it will cost be another $200 to get another one.

I get Gorilla stands and put them up now - its cheaper! and I never leave anything out in the woods that I don't want someone to steal - except a lawnmower I have out there right now, which reminds me, I need to go get it.

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It is a shame that so many of us must say that we know how you feel.

I really don't know what we can do about these thieves, except keep vigilant and report all trespassers to the law.

I know our Cuddeback Trail camera was useless to the one who stole it without the combination numbers, so they probably dumped it.

It is getting to the point that we hunters are afraid to get or use our equipment.

I guess all I can say is that I've been in your shoes and certainly didn't enjoy the feeling.


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really sorry to hear that mianbuck...I have a few remote stands that arent locked that I havent checked on since the summer. You kinda got me worried. Guess I will be investing in some locks at some point!!

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Guest lobsterman



The nerve of some people. This is a first to me although I know it's happened to many of you guys. I got out of work early to hunt over my remote foodplot. Get out there and get dressed in the heat. All geared up walking to my stand nice and quiet at about 4:15. Get to where my stand is supposed to be and - NO STAND! I know that's the tree I hung it in back in July. Gone. A dozen screw in steps gone as well. I'm at a bit of a loss standing there looking at the tree. I go to retrieve my trailcam that's back in the woods about a hundred yards across the pipeline. No markers or anything. Go to the tree - GONE! I can understand them seeing the treestand if they saw the food plot due to the shooting lanes cut, but how the heck did they find my camera. Again at a loss. I walked around for a bit contemplating what to do. Not much I could do, just walked back, got changed, and drove home. Probably out about $150 all together. Guess I can still go back and hunt the spot with my climber, but I'm just bummed. Hope I find out who did it. I'm not really one to retaliate, but some people just need to be taught a lesson in decency. Find my stand, hunt in my stand - fine. Steal my stand, WTF!

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intersting you should mention that, i too went to my stand this afternoon, and someone was sitting in it!, not to mention i obviously got a little ticked off, and threw him out, then 15 mins later a different dude comes down and tries to setup his climber 35 yards from me, needless to say i wasnt in a good mood to begin with, so i told that guy off, waited till dark and took my stand out....whats up with these guys..

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If you want another hang on, Ill ship you one, I have a few extra laying around....I have been depending on a little one called a Summit ultra lite, it has back pack straps...Ill send new steps if you like.....I have been robbed before, and almost went to jail for a very long time, as I caught one S.O.B. selling my gear at his garage sale.....after a lengthy discussion, he gave me more that I need, so if your in need of one, Ill dig one up and get it off to

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