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I thought for sure my stands were gone this year, but last weekend I found them still in place! Whew!

Sorry to hear your bad news. To let you know how low people stoop these cousin & I caught 2 walleyes in the 3 and 4 pound range 2 years ago, and stopped at a store for a sandwhich on our way home.. When we returned to the vehicle... our walleyes had been stolen from the boat!! We must have walked out just at the right time, because no gear was missing. Just our supper...dang thieves. mad.gif

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Your one awesome individual to offer a stand to a member on here. Class act that is for sure.

Sorry mainebuck about your loss, some S.O.B. stole my feeder in the spring and my buddy's propane tank from his watchtower shack. Our land is private and so is the land that surrounds it so we think its the locals who know when and when we are not there.

I hate thieves, I hate thieves, I have thieves!!! Just makes me mad when someone takes others property, what is wrong with these morons?!!

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If you want another hang on, Ill ship you one, I have a few extra laying around....I have been depending on a little one called a Summit ultra lite, it has back pack straps...Ill send new steps if you like.....I have been robbed before, and almost went to jail for a very long time, as I caught one S.O.B. selling my gear at his garage sale.....after a lengthy discussion, he gave me more that I need, so if your in need of one, Ill dig one up and get it off to

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I'm kinda speechless there Al. Talk about the exact opposite of what I experienced yesterday. Here I am being offered a treestand. I'd be a fool not to graciously accept your offer. I'll send you a PM with my address and stuff and I'll send you some money to cover the shipping. Again, thank you very much. This is one of the nicest things anyone's ever done for me.

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hey that is realy bad that people stole your stuff man i would be mad but your right what can be done have a trail camera to watch you trail camera? I have found tree stands in the woods public land woods and not even touched them. In fact i go the other way because i dont want to mess up the area. I dont know what goes through peoples minds when they steal. I would be affraid of being shot by someone for that, Hey good luck this year

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If you want another hang on, Ill ship you one, I have a few extra laying around....I have been depending on a little one called a Summit ultra lite, it has back pack straps...Ill send new steps if you like.....I have been robbed before, and almost went to jail for a very long time, as I caught one S.O.B. selling my gear at his garage sale.....after a lengthy discussion, he gave me more that I need, so if your in need of one, Ill dig one up and get it off to

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How cool is that!?!?!!?

BTW: I would say it was all probably stolen at night..... the flash would have given away the location of your camera....(something I've always thought about, and one reason I don't have a camera yet)

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the camera was far away enough off the beaten path it would not have taken a picture if they stole the stand or if they were just going down the pipeline/4-wheeler trail. It was back in the woods with no markers or anything leading to it. I can't imagine they watched me put it up. I was quite suprised to find it gone.

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Ill be shipping the stand this weekend....Ill check on the price for the steps being shipped, if its not cost effective for the steps, Ill hold off on those, but the stand will leave Illinois this weekend, have a better season have been helped 10 fold on this forum by wonderful people, my kids have been given camo, custom turkey calls, and even a shotgun....I haved truly been blessed, and to make you think, one of my dear friends that died a couple of seasons ago, by his own demise, told me once " A happy child shares"......God Bless gang, and if anyone lives near Maine....send

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thanks again Al. I've been wanting to upgrade my existing steps to a new climbing stick anyway so I can do without the screw in steps. Like you said, those probably weigh a lot more than just the stand. Thanks for all the kind words guys. I'm pretty much over it at this point. Hopefully I'll have one on the ground either tomorrow or Satuday.

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Guest buddy ahart


same thing happend to me took my climbing tree stand rite out of my back yard and i just noticed this yestrday 15 days away from the season and no $ to buy a new one .

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Sorry to hear about all of the robberies but here's one for you. Year before last we had a treestand stolen and this year we had to move out of our house and we had to put everthing in storage including my husbands 10pt deer (big mistake) I had been checking it everyonce in awhile I thought it was a good location because the cops protrol it every 30 min but I went to go get our hunting gear out for our season that opened yesterday and we placed the deer in our recliner so he would not get damaged and I opened up the door and no deer my husband was right behind me and he was P____!!! We called the cops and I think he was just as mad as we was. But we put up a reward and checked all the pawn shops but no responce. And the weird part about it was all of our camo about $1000 worth was sitting in plain view. I said that they could have taken everything in the storage and it would not have upset us that much because it can be replaced but his 10pt can't. Well I hope that everyone that had stuff stolen can get it back or aleast find the stupid a__ people who done it.

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Guest BigAl1781


me and my dad have had 2 ladders,1 hang on,1 stick ladder, and a climbing stand stolen in the past 5 years on our posted property,where no one but us is supposed to be on it....its no fun

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