New York DMP's


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Hey, how many of you New Yorkers or maybe out of staters' applying in NY did get or didn't the DMP they wanted. The DEC is really messed up. I got my first DMP choice (9N) but not a second choice. Andy didn't get a first choice for the same area (9N) but he got a second choice for another area farther away because that was like the only area with a high 2nd DMP chance. This is really confusing that I would get a DMP for the same area he didn't. Anyone else confused.....

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Re: New York DMP\'s


Andy didn't get a first choice for the same area (9N) ...This is really confusing that I would get a DMP for the same area he didn't. Anyone else confused.....

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The computer works like this:

It's like flipping a coin, only instead of a 50% chance of "heads" it 60%, or 30%, or whatever the DEC wants it to be. So in 9N if there is a 45% chance of "heads" that means 45% of the time an application is made the computer comes up "heads", or "yes, you get a permit".

Hope this helps everyone.

TG, maybe you and Andy can share your permit? grin.gif

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Re: New York DMP\'s

9 of us went down and picked up our licenses at the same time. We all put in for 9R and 8H - Every single one of us got denied both.

Now another friend from Oswego puts in for 9R where my property is located and I pay all the tax and he gets it first shot, allong with everyother out of area joker. Sounds real fair to me.


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Re: New York DMP\'s

HEY LI Hunter...Are you gonna hunt that Wertheim preserve at all this year? They opened it up for the 1st time since 1947 to hunting. The only catch is you have to shoot 2 does before a buck, can only get in woods 1 hour before light, no trail markers, no leaving tree stands, no trimming of branchs, and complete orange for the firearms portion(1 week).

If you can deal with that, I'll send ya the info.

Those are too many rules to deal with for me.

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Re: New York DMP\'s

Howdy Adjam5,,,, Got my applications in for the Wertheim Preserve the first day they were accepting them and am now waiting to see if I got picked in the lottery. They had the lottery on the 9th and are supposed to notify the lottery selectees by the end of this week. Been checking the mail every day, but so far nothin. Thanks for offering to send me the info though. I know all the rules for that hunt are a pain, but I know that preserve well, as it's part of my patrol area at work, and there are some really huge bucks in there. They make all the rules worthwile.

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Re: New York DMP\'s

I applied for 8M & 8G and received both. The problem the state is having is their software will still allow you to apply for your second permit in WMU (Wildlife Management Units) that are closed. So there are a lot of people applying for permits without any chance of getting them and basically wasting their second chance instead of applying for a permit in a WMU that is open and has better odds.

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Re: New York DMP\'s


The problem the state is having is their software will still allow you to apply for your second permit in WMU (Wildlife Management Units) that are closed. So there are a lot of people applying for permits without any chance of getting them and basically wasting their second chance instead of applying for a permit in a WMU that is open and has better odds.

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My feeling on this is that if these people weren't smart enough to read up on the DMP permit options and how the whole DMP thing works then it is their own darn fault they selected DMPs that weren't offered as second DMP chances...It is spelled out for you in black and white anywhere you apply for your DMP...This isn't rocket science people.

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Re: New York DMP\'s

With this year's CWD occurance. It boggles my mind why our DEC is not giving out more DMP's. They are giving out less, I do not know anyone who scored a DMP. But one of the reason rifles are allowed, is so the hunters can knock the deer numbers down. Now all the bucks will be killed and our already terrible buck to doe ratio can get worse!!!!!

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Re: New York DMP\'s

I'm not talking about people reading or not reading about the DMP selections and how it works, I'm talking about the way it is working. It seems really weird how one person gets a DMP for a unit that the next person doesn't, so chill wny whitetailer,lol. I'm just saying the DEC is going more on what they think and hear rather than looking for themselves in my opinion. You are right roosman, I read somewhere that with rifles, the deer population is going to be the equivalent of human teenagers and kindergardeners, the older bucks/does are going to be wiped out.

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