Decoying Antelope (photos)

Guest CLB

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I have been out trying to decoy some antelope the last couple of nights. It has been moderately successful. I haven't had one come in that I would like to shoot yet but have taken some pretty good photos. Chasing these antelope around has been more like chasing mulies as they are right in the river breaks.











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Re: Decoying Antelope (photos)

The one antelope was under 20 yards. He came charging into the decoy then slammed on the breaks when he saw something out of place. The other was about 40-50 yars away. The camera I was using is the Canon 10D with a Canon 100-400 L IS USM lens.


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Re: Decoying Antelope (photos)


hunting antelope is quite new to me as well and I have a hard time judging them. I have been told to look for good horn length 14-15", good prong length and good mass. A pronghorns ears are roughly 6" long so you can use that as a reference for horn length. I have also been told to compare the circumference of the base of the horn to the circumference of the base of the ear. If the horn circumference is equal or greater than the ear circumference the mass measurements will be good. The second buck in the photos was pretty tempting since I haven't shot one before. I may regret letting him go.


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