Deer are rubbing already! * PICS *


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These rubs have to be from one of the big 8pts running around our woods. I only say that because of the other smaller trees around the big tree are all rubbed up and the bucks antlers have to be wide enough to get around the big tree to rub with his bases and then his tines rub the other stuff around the main tree:


Brush behind main rub:


How close the rub is to the house(notice fence in background):


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Re: Deer are rubbing already! * PICS *

hm.......why would they be rubbing this early? maybe to get velvet off, i dont think its anything more than that....unless you have some pretty sexualy active a nice rub friend and i found a rub last year the size of a telaphone pole!! and big slits in the middle of it were his brows just tore it up! good luck this year buddy, you need to kill one of those monsters!

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Re: Deer are rubbing already! * PICS *

If its the deer we think it is...he is out of velvet for about 2 weeks now. The smaller bucks(spikes) are still in velvet. Seen one tonite. From what others have told us, the rubbing buck looks to score somewhere around 90-120"

This is who we think it is making the rubs.


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