North American Whitetail Television is on Tonight!


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Re: North American Whitetail Television is on Toni

Stan Potts is NOT leaving, god forbid if he did crazy.gif I am not sure where you had heard that but I have came to stop the false rumor as quick as I could....

Pat Reeves is the one leaving, NAW is picking up Don and Kandy Kisky from Kisky productions. NAW is a great show, right up there with the Drury boys. Ill definitely be watching tonight.

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Re: North American Whitetail Television is on Toni

I saw this episode earier in the week. Everyone needs to check out the deer with the broken skull plate. I think it is the Muzzy Moment. BY FAR one of the most incredible things I have ever seen in my 20+ years of deer hunting. DEFINATELY A DO NOT MISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: North American Whitetail Television is on Toni


it was awesome tonight. i couldnt believe that buck with the busted out eye and the cracked scull. That was incredible. very cool kill.

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Oh man!!! Thanks for ruining it for those of us that haven't seen it yet! j/k grin.gif

It was announced a couple of weeks ago that Pat was let go from NAW. I haven't heard why, and would assume both parties are keeping it quiet. I'll miss seeing him on the show, he seemed like one heck of a nice guy and was in my opinion an asset to the show.

Pat had his NAW Ford F250 for sale on ebay last week.

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Re: North American Whitetail Television is on Toni



it was awesome tonight. i couldnt believe that buck with the busted out eye and the cracked scull. That was incredible. very cool kill.

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Oh man!!! Thanks for ruining it for those of us that haven't seen it yet! j/k grin.gif

It was announced a couple of weeks ago that Pat was let go from NAW. I haven't heard why, and would assume both parties are keeping it quiet. I'll miss seeing him on the show, he seemed like one heck of a nice guy and was in my opinion an asset to the show.

Pat had his NAW Ford F250 for sale on ebay last week.

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Where was it announced though? I've watched every episode and didn't hear it there.

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Re: North American Whitetail Television is on Toni

these episodes were probably taped prior to Pat's dismissal from the show. Pat actually had his NAW Truck up for sale on e-bay. In his description of the truck he stated that he would not be returning to NAW TV. A shame--I really enjoyed him on the show.


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Re: North American Whitetail Television is on Toni


So can anyone tell me "where" they heard this?

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About Pat being let go and the Kisky's coming aboard? The Kisky's Forum. grin.gif I joined there a few months ago so I could take part in the chat with Greg Miller. The Kisky's are really close with all the hunting "celebrities" around the midwest, like the guys from NAW, HS, Gettin' Close, and even Michael Waddell. You really get the inside scoop on what is going on with shows, what episodes are coming up, changes to shows, new shows being added also some of the animals being killed this year. Really a great Forum over at wink.gif

Oh yeah, it helps when a lot of the TV stars are members of the Forum. I know Pat Reeve, Rick White, Steve Stoltz and Ryan McCann all are. There may be more, but can't remember off the top of my head.

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Re: North American Whitetail Television is on Toni



The Kisky's Forum. grin.gif I joined there a few months ago so I could take part in the chat with Greg Miller....Really a great Forum over at wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ] TRADER! grin.gif

Thanks for the information. I'll have to the Kisky forum. cool.gif

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Are you sure it ain't traitor! tongue.gifgrin.gif

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